On Fri, 08 Jul 2011 18:16:38 -0400, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

> The add-on authors seem to be having difficulties keeping up with the
> upgrade cycle, and several add-ons I count on aren't yet compatible with
> 2.2 (they just BARELY got compatibility with 2.1).  This really is a
> STUPID decision on the part of the Mozilla organization.
> And now I've got this damn thing nagging me to upgrade when I CAN'T yet.
> Time to start looking at Opera and/or Chrome if this nonsense keeps up.

Yes, I've had three problems with FF, all of which *seem* to have been 
cured by removing openSUSE add-ons and branding. All seems rather 
unnecessary work for the user.

What really irritates me is all this rush to add new features when there 
are plenty of problems lying around needing to be fixed. Get the basics 
working before adding more stuff and running the risk of introducing more 
bugs. One TB bug I was tracking, and am still getting the odd bugzilla  e-
mail about, dates back to the last millennium! 

We don't all want bleeding-edge software, we want reliability.

Mind you, when looking for alternatives, they all seem to have big 
problems and TB/FF may be the least worst of the bunch.

Graham Davis, UK
User of Mozillarish stuff since Netscape 1.2N.
Running KDE 4.6.5 on openSUSE 11.4. 
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