I have sent the following report to Norton AntiVirus:

     Your Submission Has Been Sent

Sun Feb 9 15:15:15 PST 2014

Your submission has been sent. You will receive an email message from Symantec with a tracking number that will enable you to check the status of this submission.

First Name:     *Michael*
Last Name:      *Monheit*
Company Name:   
Email Address:  *mmonh...@zebra.net*
Symptoms: *I think this file freebl3.dll created a false alarm for Suspicious.Cloud.7.F. (In the attached zip I changed the ending of the file in case it is really dangerous). The alert message came up when I was trying to upgrade my SeaMonkey to version 2.24. When Norton removed this dll SeaMonkey would not install properly. SeMonkey would hang when trying to connect to known good websites (e.g. NYTimes.com) and the e-mail function would not check for new mail or send mail. I noticed that this alert came up every time I ran the SeaMonkey install file which I downloaded from the SeaMonkey web site. SeaMonkey is a Mozilla browser editor and e-mail software. When I had Norton AntiVirus ignore this dll and did another SeaMonkey install SeaMonkey again worked as it has for years with me. *
Uploaded File Size:     *147995*
Uploaded File Name:     *freebl3.zip*

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