On Friday, January 15, 2016 at 10:45:22 PM UTC-5, Ian wrote:
> I've been able to download, install, and run Seamonkey before so I'm
> not exactly sure what is going on this time. I looked through the
> forums and community pages and found various things pertaining to  the
> two problems I had but none covered the two together. I'm sending a
> screenshot of my terminal after running ./seamonkey

Sorry about that guys, that probably aggravated you. You guys are asses...and I 
love it lol  I don't when I originally sent the message to to moderator, the 
attachment was there, when I realized I needed to subscribe (I get ahead of 
myself at times) I signed up, then went to forward it from my email client and 
I, with a faulty assumption, thought it was going to sent the previously 
attached jpeg. I was profoundly wrong...Anyway..I'm running Linux 4.2.0-23 
Ubuntu (Wily)  I realize that very well could be the issue, but I thought 
unlikely. It says failure something to the effect of a XPCOMGlue error in 
libxul.so /w a failure to load libasound.so.2 but (Not included in Seamonkey 
download) but I already had that particular library installed. XPCOM could not 
load...but without further adieu...the screen shot 
http://hoa.iwarp.com/img/seamonkey_error.jpg  <-- freeservers.com hosted site 
...as for comments on the different ways to have sent the info (copy/paste, 
blah-foobar blah, etc
 ) "To each his own fucked up ways" lol
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