If you are running SeaMonkey 2.53.1 b1 you can easily turn autoplay using the preferences. Open Preferences and click on Appearance->Media and uncheck the box "Enable Autoplay of HTML5 media content".

alexyu wrote:
David E. Ross wrote, on 25 Feb 20 19:48:

On 2/25/2020 2:27 PM, EE wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

I believe the preference variable is
If false, HTML5 media is disabled.  If true, HTML5 media is enabled.

At least, this is how I control HTML5 media via PrefBar.  It does seem
to work.

That is not strictly true.  HTML5 autoplay is disabled.  There should still be a play button you can click to get it to play, in most cases.  There are a few sites where you need autoplay enabled to get the video to play even after you
click the play button, but I have an extension that gives me a button to
toggle the setting.

By default, I have media.autoplay.enabled set to false.  When there is a
video I want to play, I use PrefBar to change it to true (selecting a
checkbox on the PrefBar tool bar).  I then reload the Web page, and the
video plays.

How do you change "autoplay.enabled" (or not) in PrefBar?  I don't have that option in my 'PrefBar Options'...  Is that one I didn't include at the time of installation -- and how can I get in my PrefBar now?

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