On 12/28/2016 10:46 AM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Ant wrote:
On 12/28/2016 7:42 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
On 12/28/2016 3:26 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
Open a bug against mailnews so that it can be fixed.


Ant wrote:
On 12/27/2016 5:57 PM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Ant wrote:

Is it me or is SM v2.46 having problems wordwrapping issues
when replying with quotes and plaintext format? They don't
seem to wordwrap correctly like in v2.40 and earlier.
https://i.imgbox.com/V8mQVnH2.gif for a screen shot/capture
when I was replying to "2.46 data manager not working"
newsgroup thread. It also happens with e-mails. HTML formats
seem OK though. :(

Thank you in advance. :)

I've noticed it as well. Seems every reply requires CTRL+R
rewrap now...

It sucks for lists I have. :(

When you open the bug report, please reply here with the bug number.

Done! https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1326077 ... :)

Confirmed Stanimir's fix using userContent.css works.

  span[_moz_quote=true] {
    display: block;
    width: 98vw;

Please kindly add it to my bug report about it. :)
"To the ant, a few drops of dew is a flood." --Iranian
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   /\___/\         Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
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