David H. Durgee wrote:
David H. Durgee wrote:
A little over a year ago I decided I was concerned enough about privacy
and security to add enigmail to SM.  I found that S/MIME appeared to be
more used that PGP/MIME, so I obtained certificates for my email addresses.

Once I had this properly configured I was defaulting to S/MIME signing
my email messages so my recipients could be sure I was actually the
author of the email and it had not been tampered with.

This worked fine until a few days ago, when my certificate expired.  I
started getting error messages about no certificate being found and had
to disable signing email.

I even get errors while composing email:

Save Draft Error
Unable to save your message as a draft.
You specified that this message should be digitally signed, but the
application either failed to find the signing certificate specified in
your Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings, or the certificate has expired.

I obtained and installed new certificates, thinking that would solve the
problem.  Unfortunately the errors remain.  Thinking that perhaps I
needed to remove the expired certificates I did so, but that didn't
solve the problem either and now I get errors when I look at my sent emails.

I don't know if this is SM or enigmail with the problem, so I am posting
here first to see if anyone else her has encountered and corrected the
problem.  If not, I guess I will have to try enigmail support.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you may give.


A follow-up to this post.  I searched over on the Enigmail support forum
and found the following post:

S/MIME is builtin in Thunderbird - Enigmail does not "work" with S/MIME. All 
that Enigmail does is to choose the S/MIME algorithm if Thunderbird says that S/MIME is 
available. If you want to be sure that S/MIME is working correctly, then I'd start with 
disabling Enigmail, and making sure that S/MIME is correctly set up and working. After 
that's OK, you can enable Enigmail and let it decide if S/MIME or OpenPGP should be used.

So what I am encountering must be a SeaMonkey problem.  How do I proceed
to correct this problem?


A followup to conclude this thread and hopefully provide guidance to anyone else who wants to use S/MIME and encounters a similar problem.

The problem is now corrected. It appears that somehow the certificate storage was damaged, cause not determined. Given there was a change of certificate storage between 2.49.5 and 2.53.1 it is possibly a relic of that update, as the original certificates were in place prior to the update. When these certificates expired the replacement certificates were not being found when attempting to compose a message, but were being found and used for displaying received messages.

Clearing the problem involved removing all certificates and clearing various prefs.js entries followed by importing the certificates again. If you need to do so Frank-Rainer Grahl can provide guidance on what is necessary.

During the course of diagnosing and correcting this problem I was also able to confirm that Enigmail is not required to support S/MIME in SeaMonkey. So unless you require PGP support there is no reason to install the Enigmail extension.

My most profound thanks to Frank-Rainer Grahl for his assistance in solving this problem. Thankfully it did not involve code fixes to solve the problem. Without his assistance I would not be able to make use of S/MIME to sign my messages and encrypt them when appropriate. He deserves all the appreciation of this group that we can give.

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