Today and tomorrow we're going to tackle the MailNews related issues.

* MailNews: Account Configuration
* MailNews: Address Book & Contacts
* MailNews: Backend
* MailNews: Composition
* MailNews: General
* MailNews: Message Display

The main focus should be on the bugs in MailNews: General. Those could be either in the wrong component or we need other more specific components we haven't thought of so far.

For more information have a look at our Triage Week Guide [1] and don't hesitate to join us on in channel #seamonkey and ask for help!

The time slots on IRC are:

* 1200-1400 UTC Asia / Pacific
* 1900-2100 UTC Europe / Africa / Near East
* 0100-0300 UTC North-/South America

Hope to see some of you there :)

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