I'm having a strange problem regarding SeaMonkey and mp3 downloads I'm hoping this forum can help me with...

My job involves downloading news sound bites from a password-protected news site for radio. Things have always gone great with SeaMonkey when I right-click on these mp3 links and select "Save link target as--" and download them in my selected location. Now, I am about to go on the road and I needed a broadband Internet service to use while I'm gone to be able to work on the road. I have received a mobile broadband card for AT&T's cellular data service and set it up on my laptop. (This is from http://www.wifirents.com/ which seems to be a great answer for temporary mobile Internet service!)

I've been testing things and all is well, until I come to the web site for the news service and click to download the mp3 files I need. At this point, I get my download status bar which, instead of showing the file is downloading it says, "Not started - Unknown time remaining," and it just sits there and never starts. What's happening--or not happening? The files download OK via Internet Explorer through the AT&T service, but IE is SO slow!!! Does anyone have ideas of why the mobile AT&T setup would cause this in SeaMonkey? Is there some security setting I am missing?

Thanks so much for any help!!!

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