I am delighted to see a lively discussion of crosstalk cancellation (XTC). My name is Edgar Choueiri and I am an academic researcher working on XTC for the past few years.

I would like to add a few comments that may be relevant to the discussion.

XTC has come a long way since the pioneering work of Atal, Schroeder and Damask and Bob Craver's ingenious C-9 Sonic Hologram. The list of selected references given by Mr. Politis in a previous post gives a good sampling of some of the important work in that field. A number of other relevant publications are listed in the reference list of a paper I wrote on the subject, which can be downloaded from:


The Introduction section of that paper gives an overview (with references) of the research efforts to solve some of the outstanding problems in XTC over the past decade or so. One of the biggest problems, and in my opinion the one that has kept XTC from being widely accepted, is the severe audible spectral coloration (and accompanying loss of dynamic range, typically in excess of 30 dB) that results from applying XTC filters.

This problem was solved elegantly by the folks at the University of Southampton's ISVR (Takeuchi and Nelson) who developed a method, called "Optimal Source Distribution (OSD)", which requires many (ideally an infinite number of) loudspeakers to azimuthally span the front of the listener. A commercial implementation using a total of 6 loudspeakers was commercialized by Marantz (e.g. Marantz ES7001) with the main function (alas, but understandably) being 5.1 surround. The system can yield unprecedented XTC levels with virtually no coloration (I have no relation to either ISVR or Marantz).

My laboratory has concentrated on achieving (and hopefully exceeding) the same result but with only two loudspeakers. Recently, average XTC levels exceeding 20 dB with no spectral coloration (i.e. the XTC filter having ruler-flat frequency response) have been achieved in a typical listening room with no sound treatment.

The basic approach is detailed in the above linked paper (in the simplified context of two ideal point sources and no HRTF). In practice the method is applied to design optimized HRTF-based XTC filters (called BACCH filters) from actual impulse measurements recorded with a dummy head or, for even more accuracy, with microphones in the listener's ear canals.

Much on the method and recent results is documented at the lab's website:


A simple but striking demo of the present capabilities of state-of-the-art XTC technology can be heard by playing the following XTC-filtered tracks through a Jambox (a compact bluetooth-connected speakers unit):


Workers/researchers in the field of 3D audio who happen to be (or visiting) the Central NJ/ NY metropolitan are are welcome for more extensive demos at realistic SPLs.

Edgar Choueiri

p.s. Regarding the original question in this thread by Mr. Junfeng, I should point out that BACCH filters (like other XTC IR filters) are applied to the audio through VST or AU plugins that can do 2x2 (also called "True Stereo") IR convolutions. Typically these IR convolution plugins were developed for IR-based reverb. The plugins that I know can do the required 2x2 convolution are: Angelo Farina's X-Volver (free), Waves IR and SIR2.

Finally, I should point out that the latest generation of optimized XTC filters, due their optimal nature (they are designed by minimizing a cost function for a given speaker configuration) work equally well for any speaker span, including the stereo dipole configuration and the standard stereo triangle (+/- 30 deg span) configuration.

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