Dear colleagues,

IEM/KUG will be hosting VDT's 3rd International Conference on Spatial Audio (ICSA), September 18th...20th, 2015, Graz, Austria.

We are calling for contributions covering 3D audio topics named on our website, and of the following forms:

1) Talk/Poster: please submit Abstracts of papers until _April 26th_. On acceptance, you will be asked to give a talk or poster presentation at ICSA and to finish a full paper for publication. 2) Workshops: Proposals to show 3D audio production steps and to convey listening experience can be submitted until _April 26th_. 3) Music: ICSA and IEM's 50th anniversary host a long Ambisonics concert night (Friday, Sept. 18th), to which you are warmly invited to submit Ambisonic music proposals, with _June 1st_ as deadline.

The venue of ICSA 2015 will be the campus of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. In particular: MUMUTH's Orchestra Rehearsal Hall (talks), Ligeti Hall (workshop/concert), Foyer (exhibition area/coffee+cake), TiP's Theater Stage (workshop), Foyer (exhibition/registration/poster/coffee+cake), etc., as you can see on our website. There will be at least three spatial audio facilities.

ICSA 2015's motto is “The 3D Audio Production Chain”, which will be especially reflected in workshops, keynote lectures, and panel discussions. Moreover, the Ambisonic concert night will be broadcasted via radio in binaural (terrestrial) and 5.1 format (satellite).

Best regards


Dr Franz Zotter
Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst
(Stv Institutsvorstand)
Tel.: +43(0)316/389 - 3382
Inffeldgasse 10
A - 8010 Graz
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