[Biofuel] Dutch town tests 'air-purifying' concrete

2008-08-11 Thread MH
Dutch paving stones clean air pollution August 10, 2008 http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-10012741-54.html A Dutch University will see if chemically tricked-out paving stones can clean the air. The University of Twente (UT) has devised a concrete capable of converting the nitrogen oxide from car

[Biofuel] CO2 Capture and Technology of the Future

2008-08-11 Thread MH
CO2 Capture and Technology of the Future By Michelle Bennett April 26, 2008 http://cleantechnica.com/2008/04/26/co2-capture-and-technology-of-the-future/#more-282 Today’s topic is inspired by Solar Today magazine. “Scrubbing Carbon from the Breeze” was written by Rona Fried, Ph.D., president of

[Biofuel] Amory Lovins & Mother Jones

2008-08-11 Thread MH
Power Q&A: Amory Lovins http://www.motherjones.com/interview/2008/05/interview-let-the-little-guys-play.html NEWS: The energy-efficiency guru who cofounded the Rocky Mountain Institute advocates feebates, negawatts, and letting the little guys play. By Michael Mechanic May/June 2008 Issue Moth