Re: [Biofuel] JAL 787 fire demonstrates risk of highly consumer-used lithium-ion batteries

2013-01-12 Thread Zeke Yewdall
Little mention of the fact that there are actually at least 6 types of batteries called lithium some of which are much more prone to thermal runaway than others. Or that at least some of the electric car fires were in hybrids (the Fiskar) and were ignited by the internal combustion engine, not

[Biofuel] The New War for Afghanistan's Untapped Oil

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison The New War for Afghanistan's Untapped Oil Antonia Juhasz JAN 10 2013 I am looking out the window as men in grey turbans run from my building out onto the highway, their AK 47s at the

[Biofuel] The Grilling that John Brennan Deserves

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison Published on Friday, January 11, 2013 by Common Dreams The Grilling that John Brennan Deserves by Ray McGovern As Washington's pundit class sees it, Defense Secretary-designee Chuck Hagel deserves a tough grilling over his hesitancy to go to war

[Biofuel] World's second nuclear age

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison World's second nuclear age By PAUL BRACKEN The Japan Times: Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013 NEW HAVEN, Connecticut - North Korea's launch of a long-range missile in December was followed by a flurry of global condemnation that was almost comical

[Biofuel] Idle No More: Think Occupy, But With Deep Deep Roots

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison
'Idle No More' Actions Sweep Canada Protest movement takes message to Canadian capital and beyond Published on Friday, January 11, 2013 by Common Dreams Industry Consultants Warn Frackers: Do Not Underestimate the Global Anti-Fracking Movement

[Biofuel] The U.S. Military Swarms Over Africa

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison
NATO's War on Libya and Africa Review of Maximilian C. Forte's new book By Stephen Gowans Global Research, November 10, 2012

[Biofuel] House science panel wears blinders

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013 House science panel wears blinders By Editorial Board All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of

[Biofuel] More Aging US Coal Plants Hit the Chopping Block

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison More Aging US Coal Plants Hit the Chopping Block Friday, 11 January 2013 11:30 By Matthew Cardinale, Inter Press Service | Report Atlanta, GA- Georgia Power, a subsidiary of Southern Company, one of the

[Biofuel] World Bank on Climate: Turn Down the Heat - Is It Really This Bad?

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison
Can US Government's Own Dire and 'Unambiguous' Report on Climate Change Spur Action? The story is clear says a new report, but what will it take for policy makers, including President Obama, to do something Published on Friday, January 11, 2013 by Common Dreams

[Biofuel] Jack Lew had major role at Citigroup when it nearly imploded

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison
Bill Moyers Preview: Paul Krugman on Jack Lew, Obama's Treasury Choice Published on Friday, January 11, 2013 by Moyers Company --0--

[Biofuel] Trillion Dollar Coins Against Crazies

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison
Five Things We Can Do to Help Fix the Economy in 2013 Friday, 11 January 2013 11:24 By Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic and Policy Research | News Analysis US consumer financial board issues pro-bank

Frozen in Time: Men Held Indefinitely in Guant�namo Watch Another Year Pass By

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison
'Death of a Prisoner' at Obama's Guantánamo by Laura Poitras Published on Friday, January 11, 2013 by The New York Times A Guantanamo Prisoner Is Buried as New Details About His Death Begin to Surface Friday, 11 January 2013 00:00 By Jason Leopold,

[Biofuel] Farmers Rally at White House to Protest Monsanto's GMO Empire

2013-01-12 Thread Keith Addison Published on Friday, January 11, 2013 by Common Dreams Farmers Rally at White House to Protest Monsanto's GMO Empire As court hears pivotal case for small farmers and organic seed growers, opponents to industrial agriculture speak out - Jon