China connected 5.33 GW of wind capacity to the grid in Q1 2016


*China’s newly installed wind power capacity hit 5.33 GW in the first quarter, up 13% year-on-year, according to figures released by the National Energy Administration (NEA).*

The first quarter 2016 saw a total grid-connected wind generation capacity at 134 GW, up 33% compared with data from March last year. However, wind-power consumption declined due to wastage. China's wind farms supplied 55.2 billion kilowatt-hours to the grid over the three-month period, up 21 percent from a year earlier. The average usage of wind power in the first three months was 422 hours, 61 less than the same period in 2015, the NEA stated. The NEA said that 19.2 billion KWh, or 26 percent, of total wind output was wasted.

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