[Biofuel] Canada Legalizes Big Oil's Weapon of Choice for Ocean Life Destruction

2016-06-25 Thread Darryl McMahon
Now we wait to see when the oil industry pulls the trigger. Based on my review a few months ago of the relevant science literature, use of Corexit EC9500A will not have a net benefit for the environment, and will almost certainly at removing the spilled oil from the environment. It may make

[Biofuel] TransCanada Files NAFTA Suit Demanding More Than $15 Billion for Keystone XL Rejection

2016-06-25 Thread Darryl McMahon
http://ecowatch.com/2016/06/25/transcanada-nafta-keystone-xl-tpp/ [As I have said before, "free trade" agreements are not free for taxpayers, who foot the bill for secret payouts ordered by secret tribunals which reward multi-national corporations for questionable ethical and moral practices.