Re: [biofuel] Stuart Energy: Sweden Opens First Hydrogen Fueling Station

2003-09-11 Thread Amar Prabhune
Gurus, On a relative note.. What would be the effects of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on the biodiesel option? Will Biodiesel be obsolete when the Hydrogen fuel cell cars become a reality? Also, what would the economics favor? Wil HFCVs be more cheaper than Biodiesel powered Vechicles? Thanks Am

[biofuel] Need information on Jatropha Oil.

2003-08-27 Thread Amar Prabhune
Hi Bio Fuels Gurus, I am very new to this group (and concept). Pls. excuse if this question sounds primitive. Here goes.. I need more information on the Jatropha Oil as a substitute/add-on to diesel. I had been to the site and have some information. But I need to know more about how i