The reason for this inquiry is that a good friend of my father's, owns a
large oil and gas company operating in West Virginia ( Union Oil & Gas Co) .
I know that each winter they have difficulty meeting the heating demands of
their customer base, during peak periods of use. I would like to bring a new
idea to him, regarding an alternative home fuel (  some of his customers
could go into a "test program") , with the automotive distribution tied in
as well. There is no doubt that he could afford to experiment with this, but
he would need good evidence that it was feasible, and that the
infrastructure would lend itself to this. I am hoping someone on this list
is aware of some information in this area, as I have found little via
Internet searches on it.

I am assuming that one of the biggest cost problems that make B100 too
expensive for immediate consumer acceptance, is the distribution expense---I
am further assuming that if distribution could be tied to an existing
infrastructure for home heating, that the costs could be drastically
reduced--potentially opening up a new area for enthusiastic and pervasive
use of  Biodiesel  by a broad base of consumers.

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