Building a fraudulent case using coercion

By Daniel M Pourkesali

02/26/07 "ICH" --- - Bush administration officials and their Zionist 
allies in the media are trying hard to portray Iran as a rogue and 
defiant nation that is "thumbing its nose at the international 
community" [1] by ignoring United Nations Security Council Resolution 
1737 [2] which gave Iran 60 days to halt its uranium enrichment 

In an article [3] written shortly after the passage of the same on 
Dec 23, 2006, this writer highlighted some important facts that 
warrant repeating.  First and foremost that Iran is not in breach of 
any international conventions or agreements. Processing of uranium is 
entirely within the guidelines of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 
and that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has accounted 
for all fissile material and confirmed that none have been diverted 
to prohibited activities.

Prior to passage of 1737 by the UNSC; most objections to Iran's 
nuclear activities were loosely based on unsubstantiated allegations 
of violating the terms of the NPT. But in the 2 months since, the 
case has been entirely shifted to Iran's violation of that UN 

It is important to remember that passage of resolutions 1737 and the 
prior 1696, were made possible only after the Governors' Board of the 
IAEA referred Iran to the Security Council on Sep 24, 2005. In a New 
York Times report [4] on the following day it stated that 'perhaps 
the biggest surprise was India, which initially opposed the 
resolution but later voted in favor of it' 

The shocking revelation by Stephen G. Rademaker, a former ranking 
official of the Bush administration, first reported on Feb 16, 2007 
[5] by India's national paper The Hindu that India's vote had been 
"coerced" may explain that surprise to some but reaffirms the 
suspicion of others.

In a press release [6] posted today Professor Abbas Edalat of 
Campaign Iran said: "The revelation that the US coerced India into 
voting against Iran on this crucial issue is of global significance. 
It brings into question the entire legitimacy of the decision by the 
Governors' Board of the IAEA to refer Iran to the Security Council 
and the consequent passing of Resolutions 1696 and 1737 and any 
future resolutions against Iran the UN might pass. It also raises the 
question that how many other members of the Governors' Board of the 
IAEA were coerced by the US to politicize Iran's nuclear file, refer 
it to the UN Security Council and bring about first resolution 1696 
and then resolution 1737?"     

What should serve as a red flag to all outraged by the deceptions 
which brought us the Iraqi disaster based on fabricated and 
manipulated intelligence, is that these people are using the very 
same deceiving and dishonest methods to build a case for attacking 
Iran which regardless of the Security Council approval would be 
ethically and morally void of any legitimacy.

Daniel M Pourkesali - Member Campaign Against Sanctions and Military 
Intervention in Iran








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