Mikey Likes It
 Bush's pick to head the USDA is a big ethanol booster
 By Amanda Griscom Little 
 09 Dec 2004

 At a White House ceremony last week announcing the nomination of
 Nebraska Gov. Mike Johanns (R) to succeed Ann Veneman as
 agriculture secretary, President Bush called his pick "a strong
 proponent of alternative energy sources, such as ethanol and
 biodiesel," later adding that "in a new term, we'll continue
 policies that are pro-growth, pro-jobs, and pro-farmer."

   Johanns (left) accepts nomination, as wife Stephanie looks on.
   Funny he didn't mention "pro-corn."

 Hailing from a state ranked as the third-largest corn producer in
 the nation, Johanns has had obvious economic reasons to be a strong
 advocate for ethanol, the gasoline additive derived primarily from
 fermented corn. Thanks in part to Johanns, who in 2001 served as
 chair of the Governors' Ethanol Coalition, Nebraska currently boasts
 11 ethanol plants and is the nation's fourth-largest producer of the
 alternative fuel. 

 Right now the ethanol industry is going gangbusters: In the past four
 years, it has seen explosive growth of 20 to 30 percent annually, and
 further expansion is predicted. According to Gary Blumenthal, who
 served as farm adviser to George H.W. Bush and is now the head of
 World Perspectives, a Washington, D.C.-based agriculture
 consulting company, "currently about 12 percent of the country's corn
 yield goes to ethanol production, but I've heard projections that this
 trend will increase to 20 percent in less than a decade."

 Johanns is just the guy to make that happen, according to the
 American Coalition for Ethanol. "The nomination definitely bodes
 well for ethanol," said Brian Jennings, the organization's executive
 vice president. "We have confidence that Johanns will do everything
 necessary to continue growing America's ethanol industry."

 But while ACE and other pro-ethanol groups, along with the Bush
 administration, rave about the environmental benefits of corn-based
 ethanol over traditional gasoline, some environmentalists call these
 accolades misleading, if not downright delusional. They worry that
 ethanol boosters are interested not so much in alternative fuels,
 but in pumping massive subsidies into the corn industry. 

 Corn is, in fact, America's No. 1 subsidized crop, according to
 Kenneth Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group.
 The U.S. Department of Agriculture doled out more than $37 billion in
 corn subsidies between 1995 and 2003. "The reason we paid such
 huge corn subsidies is that we grew much more than we needed
 domestically, so the market was glutted and prices bottomed out,"
 Cook told Muckraker. "The export market didn't lift up prices.
 That's why corn growers want to make ethanol in the worst way.
 It's a get-rid-of-the-surplus-corn strategy."

   This corn is not for eating.
   Photo: USDA.

 It's no wonder, then, that more than 90 percent of ethanol produced
 today comes from corn, even though the fuel can be made from a
 broad range of biomass materials ranging from wheat and barley to
 woodchips, waste lumber, and switch grass. The latter is a
 fast-growing crop dense in cellulose, easy to grow without chemicals,
 and favored by enviros as the best source for so-called "cellulosic"

 A number of enviro groups have long criticized corn-based ethanol
 production for the huge fossil-fuel inputs that are required on the
 front end to grow and harvest the corn and convert it to fuel. And yet
 they're not opposed to ethanol outright: Cellulosic ethanol, they say,
 has far greater environmental benefits than the corn-derived kind. 

 The Grass Is Always Greener ...

 "When you look at the full fuel-cycle analysis of corn-based ethanol
 versus cellulosic ethanol, the latter has huge greenhouse-gas
 advantages," said Jeff Fiedler, a climate-policy specialist at the
 Natural Resources Defense Council. 

 In fact, corn-based ethanol offers surprisingly scanty reductions in
 greenhouse-gas emissions. Natural gas is a key ingredient in the
 nitrogen fertilizer used on corn crops; coal and natural gas power the
 process of converting corn into fuel; diesel gasoline powers the
 tractors used to plant and harvest the corn. Given these fossil-fuel
 inputs, the greenhouse-gas emissions associated with corn-based
 ethanol are only about 15 percent lower than those of traditional

 In contrast, ethanol derived from switch grass results in a 95 percent
 reduction in greenhouse gases compared to refining and burning
 gasoline, Fiedler says. The crop requires little to no fertilizer, and
 switch-grass plowing and management require only relatively
 low-intensity machinery. 

 Switch grass, however, has its drawbacks: The acreage required to
 produce a unit of ethanol from switch grass is considerably greater
 than the acreage of corn needed to produce the same amount of fuel.
 (At current efficiencies, the entire country would have to be blanketed
 with switch grass from sea to shining sea to produce enough ethanol to
 power the U.S. car fleet.) Furthermore, the process of converting
 switch grass to fuel is currently more complicated and costly than that
 for corn -- more than three times as expensive, according to the
 Renewable Fuels Association, the trade association for the U.S.
 ethanol industry. "While it would cost roughly $250 million to build a
 cellulosic ethanol plant today, it would cost roughly $70 million for a
 corn-based ethanol plant," said Monte Shaw, spokesperson for

    Pulling the ol' switcheroo: A field of switch grass.
    Photo: NREL.

 The price disparity is due in part to the fact that corn-based ethanol
 has taken the lion's share of research-and-development funding.
 Fiedler argues that with the right R&D investments to improve the
 grass-to-fuel conversion process, condense crop plantings, and move
 switch grass into the mainstream, cellulosic ethanol could be
 cost-competitive in under 10 years. "If we double efficiency of the
 cars, double the density of switch grass per acre, and double
 conversion efficiency per ton of switch grass, then the amount of
 acreage needed to power all of America's cars drops to the
 100-million-acre range -- roughly the amount of acreage currently
 used to grow corn in this country," said Fiedler. Already, innovators
 have cut the cost of the enzymes used for the switch-grass conversion
 process 20-fold over the last four years. 

 Fiedler argues that if the ethanol industry were required to meet
 specific environmental performance requirements, switch grass would
 have a clear advantage over corn given both its greenhouse-gas
 benefits and its agricultural benefits, because it's easier on
 the soil and therefore a more sustainable crop.

 The ethanol industry isn't wild about the idea. "Farmers are going to
 plant what makes them money," said Shaw. "And right now there is no
 market for switch grass. The environmentalists keep saying it's going
 to be much more energy-efficient and lower in greenhouse gases [than
 corn-based ethanol] when we figure out how to make it cost-competitive.
 All that's true -- as long as you underline the word when.
 And the reality is: not today."

 Moreover, creating a market for switch grass would require innovative
 thinking on a federal level, of the sort unlikely to come from the
 Bush administration. Johanns, for his part, is not known for going
 against the grain -- or the kernel, as it were. "The profile he cut
 in Nebraska as a politician was pro-corporate, pro-subsidy, pro-Bush,"
 said EWG's Cook. "He was a huge supporter of the 2002 farm bill.
 I think it's safe to assume he resists reform.
 He's comfortable with the status quo."

 According to Blumenthal, Johanns is considered a golden boy among
 the Bushies: "The White House heavily recruited him. He possesses
 unusual political firepower for this position -- not since President
 Kennedy has an administration managed to get a sitting governor to
 take a post as secretary of agriculture." 

 Blumenthal added that despite increasing pressure on the Department
 of Agriculture to curtail the massive farm subsidies it doles out,
 Johanns will not likely experience any scaling back of his budget:
 "Red states are largely rural, agrarian states, and the president
 will not want to do anything to the agriculture budget that will
 hurt the red states. Moreover, the USDA nominee is an important
 political ally to the Bush administration and Republicans in Congress:
 "Johanns is very popular in the Midwest -- he's shown an ability to
 please and motivate agrarian voters -- so he'll be very effective
 for Republicans in the 2006 [congressional] elections."

 Bottom line: The Bush administration is not likely to encourage
 corn growers to convert millions of acres of the great American crop
 to a little-known, mangy-looking grass. But from the perspective of
 those who consider global warming a great American threat, such a
 conversion could be an act of true patriotism.
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