CO2 Capture and Technology of the Future
By Michelle Bennett
April 26, 2008

Today’s topic is inspired by Solar Today magazine. “Scrubbing Carbon from 
the Breeze” was written by Rona Fried, Ph.D., president of in the May/June 2008 issue. Unfortunately this 
particular article is not available online.

As climate change become a more central issue for people and governments 
around the globe, a lot of people are looking for solutions - fast 
solutions. If there were a quick and inexpensive way to dramatically reduce 
the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, we should go for it right? Well a 
number of “quick fix” solutions, which have centered around hacking the 
environment to fight climate change, have been floating around for years. 
One strategy is to capture the CO2 with plankton and bury it in the ocean 
(which is much easier and cheaper than pumping it into the ground). Another 
is to change the composition of our atmosphere to reflect sunlight. Others 
tend to be more sci-fi and outlandish - but all of them might just turn out 
to be disastrous.

Even with more realistic alternatives, like carbon capture and sequestration 
from coal plants, have drawn criticism. But that hasn’t stopped some of the 
world’s wealthiest and most outspoken environmentalists from offering 
millions of dollars for a feasible and fast solution that captures CO2 out 
of the air after it’s released.

No wonder some are trying to use technology to solve our CO2 problem. While 
renewable energy and energy efficiency help prevent more CO2 pollution, 
several companies are looking to make money off off the inert gas. Not to be 
confused with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), these focus on the 
technology and economics of only capturing CO2. What we do with the carbon 
next is an open question. Fortunately “CO2 is the 19th largest commodity 
chemical in the United States”, according to the DOE, with numerous 
industrial, agricultural, and everyday uses - you can even make fuel out of 
it. So whoever first manages to harvest it cheaply could make a lot of 
money, even without millions in prize money.

Universities and academic collaborations compete with scientists and 
businesses to reach this goal. The Green Options network has featured 
promising technologies from Sandia National Labs before. While many are 
still in design or prototype stages, others are already being commercially 
demonstrated. Dr. Rona Fried points out in her Solar Today article that the 
technology is not new. Submarines and spacecraft use scrubbers and filters 
to protect their crews from their own exhalations. There’s even a famous 
scene in the movie Apollo 13 about repairing one such device in 1970.

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A better way to absorb CO2 on a larger scale is to use chemicals called 
sorbents. They soak up carbon dioxide on contact like a plant or sponge; 
then the CO2 can be separated from the sorbent and used. The trick is to 
build a machine that can do both without requiring excessive operation 
costs. If it needs too much energy, maintenance, etc., it simply won’t be 

ACCESS devicesA company called Global Research Technologies (GRT) believes 
they have designed a viable system in that works at ambient temperatures (no 
cooling required) and uses about the same amount of energy as a power-plant 
flue scrubber - the type already available to clean power plant emissions. 
They call it the ACCESS (Atmospheric Carbon CapturE SystemS) device, which 
has already been demonstrated, and it’s exciting because it could be located 
almost anywhere. They could line our highways, form rows like wind farms, or 
be installed near industrial facilities that use or produce CO2. Better yet, 
the technology is scalable, so the larger you build them the more CO2 they 
collect. One such ACCESS device the size of a tree could capture 1,000 times 
more CO2 than a tree. Global Research Technologies even claims that 250,000 
such models, each about the side of a wind turbine, would neutralize the CO2 
we’re currently emitting. GRT hopes to produce 100 of these devices within 5 
years. Unfortunately they’ll be expensive, about $250/ metric ton of CO2 
captured, but like any industry, economies of scale could dramatically 
reduce that cost to $30-$50 per ton. GRT hopes their technology will be 
competitive on the carbon offsets market.

Klaus Lackner, a professor of geophysics at Columbia University, helped 
found GRT and design the ACCESS device. From the article: “Lackner outlined 
the potential of carbon capture as one piece of the portfolio of carbon 
reduction strategies”, which means of course that this is not THE ANSWER to 
climate change. We cannot and should not rely on this or any one solution to 
“solve” our CO2 problem. We still need to increase our energy efficiency, 
invest in renewable technologies, and work towards more sustainable 
lifestyles. But with all the depressing facts, figures and discussions 
surrounding our rising CO2 emissions and climate change, this is one 
technology among many that provide a ray of hope. Maybe, just maybe, with 
the plethora of resources at our disposal, we can begin to build a 
technological infrastructure that will not come back to haunt us with 
half-acknowledged or poorly understood consequences of unbridled development.

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