TL>San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 26, 2006
m>[Printer-friendly version]

City Sued Over Ban On Children's Products Using Suspect Chemicals

Plaintiffs say state law pre-empts the local ordinance
  By Jane Kay, Chronicle Environment Writer

A group of chemical manufacturers, toymakers, retailers and the owner 
of the children's store Citikids filed a lawsuit Wednesday 
htm>San Francisco's ban on the sale of toddler toys and child-care 
products that contain certain chemicals suspected of being toxic 

The suit argues that state law, including the California Hazardous 
Substances Act, pre-empts the San Francisco ordinance.

Today, the plaintiffs are expected to ask San Francisco Superior 
Court Judge Peter Busch for a hearing, during which they will seek a 
preliminary injunction to delay the Dec. 1 effective date of the 
ordinance until the matter is resolved in court.

City officials already had promised business groups that they would 
hold off enforcement until after the holidays.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted the 
ordinance in June. It prohibits the sale, distribution or manufacture 
of toys and child care products intended for use by children under 
the age of 3 if they contain phthalates, which are used to soften 
polyvinyl chloride (or PVC) and bisphenol A, which is common in hard, 
clear plastic. The ordinance does not include penalties for 

The law is based on the city's 
"<>precautionary principle." 
The supervisors said they wanted to err on the side of caution and 
protect the youngest children.

A similar ban on phthalates in children's toys and child care 
products went into effect in the European Union in July. For years, 
members had reviewed a growing number of studies showing that some 
phthalates caused cancer and reproductive damage in laboratory 
animals, raising questions about what the chemical could do to humans.

San Francisco, however, is the only city in the world to ban 
bisphenol A in toys and child care products for youngsters. Bisphenol 
A is used to make polycarbonate plastic, the substance used to make 
hard clear plastic baby bottles.

Lab studies have shown that bisphenol A can leach out of baby 
bottles. In animal experiments, at low doses, it has caused cancer in 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and scientific bodies in Europe 
and Japan have said that low levels of bisphenol A pose no health 
risk to humans, the lawsuit said.

In addition to arguing that state law pre-empts the city's effort, 
the suing parties contend that the supervisors failed to comply with 
Proposition I, a voter-approved measure that requires an economic 
review of legislation that might have a material impact on the city 
before it goes to a vote.

"No report was prepared, and the city's determination that no report 
was required -- when the ordinance will so egregiously impact toy 
retailers, grocers and consumers -- was an abuse of discretion," the 
suit said.

In a press release, Richard Woo, owner of Citikids Baby News on 
Clement Street, said, "The volume of our sales will drop and so will 
the number of our employees, since we won't be able to keep them."

Other plaintiffs are American Chemistry Council, California Retailers 
Association, California Grocers Association and Juvenile Products 
Manufacturers Association.

A spokesman for City Attorney Dennis Herrera's office declined to 
comment on the suit.

"We haven't been served with a complaint. It would be premature for 
us to comment on it," said spokesman Matt Dorsey.

E-mail Jane Kay at <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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