The largest scientific organization in the US, the American 
Association for the Advancement of Science, has issued a consensus 
statement saying global warming is a "growing threat to society."

From: Boston Globe, Feb. 19, 2007
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Climate Change 'Growing Threat To Society'

Echoes issues raised by global panel

SAN FRANCISCO -- The world's largest general scientific society on 
Sunday joined the concern over global climate change, calling it a 
"growing threat to society."

It is the first consensus statement of the board of the American 
Association for the Advancement of Science <> on 
climate change. It comes just weeks after the International Panel on 
Climate Change issued its most recent report on human-induced warming.

"The evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human 
activities is occurring now and is a growing threat to society," the 
AAAS said at its annual meeting.

"Scientists are observing the rapid melting of glaciers, 
destabilization of major ice sheets, rising sea levels, shifts in 
species ranges and increased frequency of weather extremes," said 
John P. Holdren, director of the Woods Hole Research Center and AAAS 

Concern focuses on carbon dioxide and other gases produced by burning 
fossil fuels and other processes. As these gases accumulate in the 
atmosphere they trap heat from the sun, much like a greenhouse, 
warming the climate.

"The longer we wait to tackle climate change, the harder and more 
expensive the task will be," the group said.

Holdren noted that some of the most dramatic changes are occurring in 
the far North where warming has occurred more rapidly than in other 
areas. Retreating sea ice and rising sea level are driving some 
natives from their villages, the group said.

On Feb. 2 the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change reported that 
global warming is so severe that it will "continue for centuries," 
leading to a far different planet in 100 years.

The panel, established by the United Nations, concluded that global 
warming is "very likely" caused by man, meaning more than 90 percent 

If nothing is done to change current emissions patterns of greenhouse 
gases, global temperature could increase as much as 11 degrees 
Fahrenheit by 2100, the report said.

AAAS was founded in 1848. It reports that it serves 262 affiliated 
societies and academies of science, reaching 10 million individuals.

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