Every once in a while, I like to check out the IESO generation data (http://www.ieso.ca/). I just popped in for a peak.

Generation stats for 2:00 this afternoon, Eastern Daylight Time.

Biofuel    86 MW
Solar     228 MW
Wind    1,553 MW
Hydro   4,697 MW
Nuclear 7,125 MW
Gas     1,063 MW

Current wholesale supply price:  FREE!  ($0.00 cents/kWh)

Note, this is during the peak pricing period in Ontario (weekdays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

So, with about half of Ontario's nuclear fleet currently off-line for a variety of reasons, the low cost of renewables (currently supplying 44%) has driven the market price of electricity here to zero. Nuclear is supplying 48%, and fossil fuels (natural gas) are supplying the remaining 7%. About 750 MW (5%) of the current generation is being exported (net).

Message: green the grid, reduce peak usage and save all Ontario electricity ratepayers money.

Darryl McMahon
Freelance Project Manager (sustainable systems)
Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

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