[Biofuel] More about Bhopal


Dow shareholders question Bhopal memo

Amnesty International has called for a Securities and Exchange 
Commission (SEC) investigation of Dow Chemical Co. after the 
disclosure of an internal company memo exposing Dow's effort to 
absolve its liabilities from the deadly 1984 Union Carbide pesticide 
plant explosion in Bhopal, India that has killed more than 22,000 
people to date. Dow purchased Union Carbide in 2001.

In a November 8, 2006 letter, Dow officials suggested that India 
create an "appropriate investment climate" by dropping its demand 
that Dow provide a $22 million deposit towards the Bhopal cleanup. <> 
Sanford Lewis, an attorney representing Amnesty and the New York City 
Pension Funds, a major Dow shareholder, accused the company of 
"attempting to bypass the Indian courts... by pressuring the 
executive branch."

Amnesty's Amy O'Meara suggests "Dow's refusal to address the human 
rights of the Bhopal survivors may be having a serious, but 
undisclosed, financial impact" and notes that the "apparent attempts 
to avoid liability coincide with multiple rumors about a possible Dow 

PAN and other members of the Dow Accountability Network are 
supporting Amnesty's resolution on responsibility for Bhopal to be 
presented at Dow's annual shareholders meeting on May 11.

Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) 49 Powell St., Suite 
500, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA Phone: (415) 981-1771 Fax: (415) 
981-1991 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web:

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