ETC Group - Publications - Extreme Genetic Engineering: An 
Introduction to Synthetic Biology
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ETC Group Releases Report on Synthetic Biology
   Scientists are now creating new forms of life that have never been
   seen on Earth before. In keeping with the precautionary principle, the
   ETC Group asserts that -- at a minimum -- there must be an immediate
   ban on environmental release of these synthetic organisms until wide
   societal debate and strong governance are in place.

From: Nanowerk News, Jan. 23, 2007 
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ETC Group Releases Report On Synthetic Biology

A new report by the ETC Group concludes that the social, 
environmental and bio-weapons threats of synthetic biology surpass 
the possible dangers and abuses of biotech. The full text of the 
70-page report, Extreme Genetic Engineering: An Introduction to 
Synthetic Biology 
[<>1 Mbyte 
PDF], is available for downloading free-of-charge on the ETC Group 

"Genetic engineering is passe," said Pat Mooney, Executive Director 
of ETC Group. "Today, scientists aren't just mapping genomes and 
manipulating genes, they're building life from scratch -- and they're 
doing it in the absence of societal debate and regulatory oversight," 
said Mooney.

Synbio -- dubbed "genetic engineering on steroids" -- is inspired by 
the convergence of nanoscale biology, computing and engineering. 
Using a laptop computer, published gene sequence information and 
mail-order synthetic DNA, just about anyone has the potential to 
construct genes or entire genomes from scratch (including those of 
lethal pathogens).

Scientists predict that within 2-5 years it will be possible to 
synthesize any virus; the first de novo bacterium will make its debut 
in 2007; in 5-10 years simple bacterial genomes will be synthesized 
routinely and it will become no big deal to cobble together a 
designer genome, insert it into an empty bacterial cell and -- voila 
-- give birth to a living, self-replicating organism. Other synthetic 
biologists hope to reconfigure the genetic pathways of existing 
organisms to perform new functions -- such as manufacturing 
high-value drugs or chemicals.

A clutch of entrepreneurial scientists, including the gene maverick 
J. Craig Venter, is setting up synthetic biology companies backed by 
government funding and venture capital. They aim to commercialise new 
biological parts, devices and systems that don't exist in the natural 
world -- some of which are designed for environmental release. 
Advocates insist that synthetic biology is the key to cheap biofuels, 
a cure for malaria, and climate change remediation -- media-friendly 
goals that aim to mollify public concerns about a dangerous and 
controversial technology. Ultimately synthetic biology means cheaper 
and widely accessible tools to build bioweapons, virulent pathogens 
and artificial organisms that could pose grave threats to people and 
the planet. The danger is not just bio-terror, but "bio-error," warns 
ETC Group.

Despite calls for open source biology, corporate and academic 
scientists are winning exclusive monopoly patents on the products and 
processes of synthetic genetics. Like biotech, the power to make 
synthetic life could be concentrated in the hands of major 
multinational firms. As gene synthesis becomes cheaper and faster, it 
will become easier to synthesize a microbe than to find it in nature 
or retrieve it from a gene bank. Biological samples, sequenced and 
stored in digital form, will move instantaneously across the globe 
and be resurrected in corporate labs thousands of miles away -- a 
practice that could erode future support for genetic conservation and 
create new challenges for international negotiations on biodiversity.

"Last year, 38 civil society organizations rejected proposals for 
self-regulation of synthetic biology put forth by a small group of 
synthetic biologists," said Kathy Jo Wetter of ETC Group. "Widespread 
debate on the social, economic and ethical implications of synbio 
must come first -- and it must not be limited to biosecurity and 
biosafety issues," said Wetter.

The tools for synthesising genes and genomes are widely accessible 
and advancing at break-neck pace. ETC Group's new report concludes 
that it is not enough to regulate synthetic biology on the national 
level. Decisions must be considered in a global context, with broad 
participation from civil society and social movements. In keeping 
with the <>Precautionary 
Principle, ETC Group asserts that -- at a minimum -- there must be an 
immediate ban on environmental release of de novo synthetic organisms 
until wide societal debate and strong governance are in place.

Copyright 2005-2007, Nanowerk LLC

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