Fwd from SANET, the Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group.

>Date:         Sun, 26 Mar 2006 17:15:34 -0500
>From:         Hugh Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Terminator Rejection: A Victory for the People/Earth!
>To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>A broad coalition of peasant farmers, indigenous peoples and civil
>society today celebrated the firm rejection of efforts to undermine
>the global moratorium on Terminator technologies - genetically
>engineered sterile seeds - at the UN Convention on Biological
>Diversity (CBD) in Curitiba, Brazil.
>At the CBD Australia, Canada  and New Zealand along with the US
>government (not a party to the CBD) and a number of biotech companies
>were leading attempts to open the door to field testing of Terminator
>seeds by insisting on a 'case by case' assessment of such
>technologies. This text was unanimously rejected today in the CBD's
>working group dealing with the issue and still needs to be formally
>adopted by the plenary of the CBD.
>MARCH 24, 2006
>1:05 PM
> Benedikt Haerlin, Greenpeace International +55 41 9677 1859
>Francisca Rodriguez, Via Campesina +55 41 8429 2970
> Pat Mooney, Ban Terminator Campaign +55 41 8833 0437
>Terminator Rejection - A Victory for the People
>CURITIBA, Brazil - March 24 - A broad coalition of peasant farmers,
>indigenous peoples and civil society today celebrated the firm
>rejection of efforts to undermine the global moratorium on Terminator
>technologies - genetically engineered sterile seeds - at the UN
>Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Curitiba, Brazil.
>"This is a momentous day for the 1.4 billion poor people worldwide,
>who depend on farmer saved seeds," said Francisca Rodriguez of Via
>Campesina, a world wide movement of peasant farmers, "Terminator
>seeds are a weapon of mass destruction and an assault on our food
>"Terminator directly threatens our life, our culture and our identity
>as indigenous peoples", said Viviana Figueroa of the Ocumazo
>indigenous community in Argentina, on behalf of the International
>Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity.
>"Today's decision is a huge step forward for the Brazilian Campaign
>against GMOs," said Maria Rita Reis from the Brazilian Forum of
>Social movements and NGOs, "This reaffirms Brazil's existing ban on
>Terminator. It sends a clear message to the national government and
>congress that the world supports a ban on Terminator."
>"Common sense has prevailed - lifting the Moratorium on the
>Terminator seeds would have been suicidal - literally," said
>Greenpeace International's Benedikt Haerlin from the Convention
>meeting. "This is a genuine victory for civil society around the
>world - it will go a long way to ensuring that biodiversity, food
>security and the livelihoods of millions of farmers worldwide are
>Terminators, or GURTS (Genetic Use Restriction Technologies), are a
>class of genetic engineering technologies which allow companies to
>introduce seeds whose sterile offspring cannot reproduce, preventing
>farmers from re-planting seeds from their harvest. The seeds could
>also be used to introduce specific traits which would only be
>triggered by the application of proprietary chemicals by the same
>At the CBD Australia, Canada and New Zealand along with the US
>government (not a party to the CBD) and a number of biotech companies
>were leading attempts to open the door to field testing of Terminator
>seeds by insisting on a 'case by case' assessment of such
>technologies. This text was unanimously rejected today in the CBD's
>working group dealing with the issue and still needs to be formally
>adopted by the plenary of the CBD.
>"Despite today's victory, there is no doubt that the multinational
>biotech industry will continue to push sterile seed technology," said
>Pat Mooney of the Ban Terminator Campaign. "Terminator will rear its
>ugly head at the next UN CBD meeting in 2008. The only solution is a
>total ban on the technology once and for all," he concluded.
>Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organisation which uses non-
>violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental
>problems, and to force solutions essential to a green and peaceful
>future. ==============
>***NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this
>material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a
>prior interest in receiving the included information for research and
>educational purposes.*** ==============
>STRAHL, Minister of Agriculture
>Alex Atamanenko, MP
>BC Southern Interior Riding Office Ottawa Office:
>337 Columbia Avenue, Rm 525, Confederation Block
>Castlegar BC, V1N 1G6 House of Commons
>TFree. 1-800 667-2393 Ottawa, ON K1A 0A8
>Ph. 250-365-2792 Ph. 613-
>Fx. 250-365-2793 Fax 613-
>March 17, 2006
>Honourable Chuck Strahl, P.C., M.P.
>Minister of Agriculture
>House of Commons
>Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
>Dear Minister Strahl:
>As you know, our government will be taking part in negotiations on
>Terminator technology at the Bio-diversity Convention in Brazil, March
>21-22. We strongly urge you to ensure that the defacto moratorium on
>Terminator technology stays in place. If the commercialization of  Terminator
>seeds is allowed to take place, the cost to Canadian farmers will be in
>excess of $1 billion per year, with the costs to farmers in developing
>countries will be $10 billion.
>The Canadian Federation of Agriculture, the National Farmer's Union,  UPA in
>Quebec, and the Canadian Organic Growers have all stated that they  oppose
>Terminator. The Working Group on Canadian Science and Technology  Policy has
>received confirmation from Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta that they  will not
>commercialize Terminator seeds.
>We strongly urge you, in the name of sustainable agricultural  development in
>Canada and abroad, to not only take a firm stance against Terminator  at the
>conference but also to follow the lead of India and Brazil in  legislating
>against the technology.
>We look forward to working with you in this regard.
>Alex Atamanenko, M.P. NDP Critic, Agriculture
>Alexa McDonough, M.P
>NDP Critic, Foreign Affairs
>and Canadian Wheat Brd.
>Nathan Cullen, M.P. NDP Critic, Environment
>Peter Julian, M.P.
>NDP Critic, International Trade

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