GAO warns U.S. vulnerable to oil cutoff


WASHINGTON -- Tight oil markets and little spare production capacity 
worldwide make the United States more vulnerable today to a cutoff of 
Venezuelan oil than three years ago when a strike curtailed 
Venezuelan supplies, a congressional study warns.

The report by the Government Accountability Office says a Venezuelan 
oil embargo against the United States would cause oil prices 
immediately to jump by $4 to $6 a barrel and increase gasoline prices 
at the pump by 11 to 15 cents a gallon.

A six-month loss of 2.2 million barrels a day of Venezuelan 
production - about what was lost during the strike by Venezuelan oil 
workers during the winter of 2002-03 - could cause a price spike of 
$11 a barrel and cut U.S. economic output by $23 billion, the report 
said, citing an Energy Department computer model analysis.

Venezuela, the world's fifth-largest oil exporter, ships 1.5 million 
barrels a day of oil and petroleum products to the United States, 
accounting for 11 percent of U.S. imports. Most of Venezuela's oil 
that is not domestically consumed is shipped to the United States. 
Venezuela's government oil company owns or partly owns nine 
refineries in the United States.

Diplomatic relations between the two countries have been strained. 
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez occasionally has threatened to cut 
off oil shipments to the United States and pursue other customers 
including China.

That caused Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., chairman of the Senate 
Foreign Relations Committee, to ask the GAO, Congress' auditing 
agency, to examine the impact of a potential Venezuelan oil cutoff.

U.S. officials have minimized the likelihood of such a cutoff because 
Venezuela relies heavily on oil revenues from the United States to 
pay for its domestic programs.

Administration officials told the GAO investigators that "they do not 
have contingency plans to deal with oil losses specifically from 
Venezuela or any other single country" other than tapping the U.S. 
Strategic Petroleum Reserve or using diplomacy to get other countries 
to boost production, the draft report, obtained Wednesday, said.

When a strike by Venezuelan oil workers in the winter of 2002-2003 
reduced the country's production by some 2.2 million barrels a day, 
the U.S. succeeded in getting other producers, especially Saudi 
Arabia, to fill the gap, the GAO study said.

"However, such diplomacy may be less effective today because there is 
currently very little spare production capacity" worldwide, and most 
of what there is - about 1 million barrels a day - is in Saudi Arabia.

The GAO report noted that Venezuela has continued oil imports into 
the United States at about the same level averaging 1.5 million 
barrels a day since the 2002-03 strike.

But it also cites U.S. government estimates that Venezuelan 
production has fallen from about 3.1 million barrels a day in 2001 to 
an average of 2.6 million barrels a day. Venezuela disputes those 
numbers and maintains that production has increased.

Nevertheless, the GAO report says that the United States has no 
long-term strategy to address a permanent drop in Venezuelan supplies.

"Although the U.S. government has options to mitigate impacts of 
short-term oil disruptions on crude oil and petroleum product prices, 
these mitigating actions are not designed to address a long-term loss 
of Venezuelan oil from the world market," said the report.

Some details of the GAO draft were first reported Wednesday in The 
Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times.

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