[Reminds of 'city gas' from the 1800s. While Europe may be embracing 'green gas', in U.S. and Canada, we are not even looking at putting renewably-sourced methane into the distribution system. Bio-methane remains islanded and the main distribution network is all fossil.

Capturing natural gas which is now vented from fossil fuel production, or from permafrost melt would also be beneficially captured and added to the distribution system - displacing other extreme gas production, e.g., via fracking.

This energy is dispatchable for electricity generation purposes, heating buildings, and can be used in heat engines for transportation use.]

Gas - An energy renaissance that Europe shouldn’t ignore

Green Gas has a key role to play in Europe’s decarbonisation and future energy mix.

Gas hasn’t always been as widely available as electricity as an energy source, but the potential of power to gas from renewables, the growing use of biogas and the availability of natural gas are fast changing this. Gas is predicted to play an increasingly important role in our energy system of the future. [Gas Entering A Golden Age. (]

This is especially true for green gas.

A new report, “A sustainable Europe: Green Gas, Green Grids, Green Future” [April 2016], launched on behalf of the European Networks Association (ENA) and GEODE, an association made up of European independent distribution companies of gas and electricity, highlights the mammoth potential for “green gas” generated from renewable sources.

It highlights the fact that green gas should be considered as a ‘key ingredient’ when looking for solutions to the challenges that policymakers face including security of supply, sustainability and consumer needs.

Green gas –powering a cleaner future

Gas is redefining itself as a renewable energy source-it is no longer considered a predominantly fossil fuel based energy source.

Green gas, produced by sewage, manure, food waste, and fuel crops, as well as by-products from chemical processes, is found to be cleaner than fossil fuels. The carbon dioxide generated by burning green gas does not elevate carbon emissions levels because, unlike fossil fuel energy, the carbon source of green gas was previously in circulation above ground, and is therefore already a part of the natural carbon cycle.

Green gas even has a number of advantages over other clean energy sources such as solar and wind. For instance, green gas does not have an intermittent nature unlike solar and wind-it can be produced without interruption. It can also be easily stored. These benefits alone make it a good choice for a strong renewable energy mix.

Interest in biomethane grows

The most promising type of green gas is biomethane—specifically the methane produced from the anaerobic digestion of organic matter (animal excrement). This can be used as vehicle fuel or injected into the gas grid. In fact, 10 European countries are already using biomethane for their energy needs. The good news about the production of biomethane is that it is virtually free of harmful emissions and it has the potential to generate a lot of electricity. For instance, excrement from five cows or 30 pigs can heat an average home in Denmark for one year.

Biogas can also be produced from waste organic materials, including biomass from, for instance, forestry waste. The report emphasises that it is not advocating that land be set aside to grow crops for biofuels, but that the focus should be on re-mobilising agricultural waste like straw or husks.

The report notes, for instance, that one lorry full of household-produced organic waste is enough to heat about 30 typical homes in Denmark for a month.

A 2015 report by the International Gas Union concluded that 1TWh of biogas can be produced for every million people. With 500 million people in the EU, that gives a potential of 500TWh.

That means that biogas could theoretically account for over 10% of non-fossil fuelled transport in Europe, according to IGU which concludes that this could be achieved by 2020 with the right policies.

This has major implications for the rapidly expanding electric vehicle market, where biomethane could eventually replace traditional petrol to create zero-emission driving.

Sweden is already leading the way in the technology. The proportion of biomethane in natural gas fuel sales for gas-run vehicles in the country is now 73%.
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