The Road to Better  Health 
by Walter Last 
I routinely recommend to my patients to adopt a high-quality,  low-allergy 
diet right on their first visit. When they come back two or three  weeks later, 
they often say that they feel much better now but a week ago they  had a cold. 
When I ask about the symptoms they turn out to be mainly a profuse  mucus 
discharge, sometimes also diarrhoea, but rarely are there signs of a real  
infection. In fact, these patients just experienced their first healing crisis  
their long path to better health. 
This concept of a healing crisis clearly shows the opposite  perceptions that 
drug medicine and holistic medicine have of health and the  healing process. 
In drug medicine it is assumed that a patient who is free of  disease symptoms 
is more or less healthy and the aim of drugs is to achieve this  condition by 
removing any disagreeable symptoms. Frequently alternative or  complementary 
medicine is used in the same way, instead of more or less toxic  drugs just 
more benign remedies are being used. This is what most patients want  and 
according to their beliefs they either use drugs or natural remedies for  this 
However, holistic medicine, following in the footsteps of the  old nature 
cure movement, aims much higher. Here, health is regarded not just as  a 
temporary absence of disease symptoms, but as a state of profound physical,  
and mental wellbeing so that we simply cannot develop or catch a  disease. 
Animals living in an unspoiled natural habitat in the wild  commonly display 
this kind of health. If we want to come close to such  outstanding health, we 
have to work for it by consciously minimising the  multitude of negative 
influences on our health and maximise positive factors  instead. 
However, experience shows that we do not follow a straight  line of either 
health improvement or health deterioration. Similar to periods of  illness 
interspersing times of relative wellbeing on the common road to chronic  
degenerative diseases and death, so we have also ups and downs on the road to  
health. The main difference is that the road to deteriorating health on  
average is sloping downhill while the other road on average goes up in health.  
Travelling downhill is easy, we do not need to do anything about it, but  
improving our health requires consistent effort. 
Contrary to the often-lengthy periods of ill health on the  downhill road, 
the dips on the uphill road are usually short and sharp. They are  called 
'healing crisis' although I prefer the less dramatic name 'healing  reaction', 
'cleansing reaction' or simply 'reaction'. After each reaction  we advance to 
a higher level of health than before the reaction. 
Holistic therapists realise that the road to better health  follows a 
definite pattern. The old school of nature cure called it 
"All cure starts from within out, from the head down and in  reverse order as 
the symptoms have appeared." 
Dr John Whitman Ray has developed a method specifically  designed to help us 
travel the long road to superior health. He called it Body  Electronics, using 
nutrition as well as press point therapy to facilitate  emotional release and 
expansion of consciousness. Out of this work Dr Ray found  it necessary to 
modify Hering's Law to the following 
"A healing crisis will occur only when an individual is ready  both 
physiologically and psychologically. The basic foundation for all healing  is 
nutritional preparedness. A healing crisis will begin from within out, in  
order chronologically as to how the symptoms have appeared, tempered by  the 
intensity of the trauma. The individual will have the opportunity to  
each trauma, both physiological and psychological, beginning with  the trauma 
of least severity. It must be recognised that traumas involving  emotions, 
which include all traumas, will be released in order, beginning with  
unconsciousness, then apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain and eventually 
(love), in conjunction with the appropriate word patterns for each emotion and  
thought pattern (sensory memory) which are accessible at each level.  
Unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness are the keys to apply and  
transmute any 
resistance at any level, once these resistances are brought to  view through 
the application of the laws of love, light and perfection. 
With this definition Dr. Ray emphasises the importance of the  emotional side 
of our health problems. Each disease, accident or surgical  intervention 
contains a strong emotional component which needs to be  re-experienced during 
reaction, otherwise the healing will remain incomplete  and the problem will 
present itself again at a later time for healing at a  deeper level. 
This also means that the body selects the kind of healing  crisis that is 
most appropriate at the time, taking into consideration its needs  and 
to have a certain area healed or improved. We can consciously  influence this 
choice by working on a particular problem. I also noticed that  the body self 
tries to select a timing, which does not disable us during  important events 
coming up. I have no doubt that we are guided on our healing  path by our inner 
intelligence, which has our best interest at heart. 
In the beginning our healing reactions will be mainly on the  physical or 
biological level, but more and more we will experience the release  of 
blocks and changes in consciousness, preparing us for greater  activity on the 
spiritual level. 
In every real healing, the sequence of our health  deterioration will 
automatically be retraced. This means that old,  long-forgotten disease 
symptoms may 
suddenly flare up again in the form of a  healing crisis. The reason for this 
is based on the very nature of disease. 
At first, when the body is still vital, it will react  forcefully against 
invaders; the resulting battle causes fever and inflammation.  If the body is 
strong enough to win completely, the acute battle symptoms  will eventually 
subside, with the remaining invaders leading a somewhat subdued  existence in a 
weakened gland or organ. Repeated attacks will result in the  degeneration of 
this body part, causing chronic disease. 
At some stage on the road towards health, the body will feel  strong enough 
to start the fight again for healing the diseased organ, and  inflammation will 
result. Such healing reactions are usually short lived, but  can be rather 
violent. If one supports the body during this period with rest,  cleansing 
and so forth, then the organ will eventually acquire a much  better health 
than before the flare-up. If, however, drugs are used to suppress  the healing 
symptoms, then the inflamed organ will return to its subacute,  chronic 
condition and wait for another opportunity to heal itself 
The healing pattern of other health problems that are not  related to 
immunological processes and infections follows a similar line to that  outlined 
above. Healing takes place on many different levels: at the biochemical  level 
within the cells, in the blood circulation, the nervous system and  especially 
the flow of bio-energies. Healing activity will be increased on  all of these 
At the bio-energetic level, the increased energy flow may  cause congestion 
at various places, in the weak body part itself as well as in  related 
acupuncture points and zone reflex areas. Excess energy in such places  may be 
as pain, heat or tension: the common symptoms of inflammation. In  time, the 
body itself will clear the obstruction in the energy flow. 
One may support this process with specific healing methods or  just by 
healthy living in general. However, trying to suppress any inflammation  may 
the body part permanently weak Inflammation in itself is a healing  energy 
release and it may be best overcome by removing the blockage in the  energy 
Another common form of healing reaction is the development of  a rash or 
other skin problem, especially over a weak body part, for instance at  a hip or 
shoulder. This skin reaction signifies that the energy that had been  bound 
internally in this area in the form of muscle armouring, stiffness and  
accumulated metabolic wastes, is now surfacing and dissipating. Thus the  
affected joint 
or limb will become much freer and stronger. However, if the skin  reaction 
is interfered with and made to go prematurely, then the suppressed  energy and 
metabolic waste will remain in that body part, keeping it in a state  of pain 
or weakness. 
Thus there usually is no need to interfere directly with skin  diseases or 
other healing symptoms. On the contrary, that may only drive the  problem 
'underground' to affect internal organs and body structures. Natural  healers 
noticed that by artificially producing a rash over an arthritic  joint, the 
joint greatly improved, but when a rash over a joint was artificially  
suppressed, then arthritic symptoms may appear in that joint. 
You may actually learn much about yourself, your body, your  health problems 
and your emotional reactions by patiently observing the healing  process 
instead of rushing in to do something about it. What you should do,  however, 
live healthily in general, cleansing the body, helping the  suppressed energy 
come out and dissipate and to be optimistic about it all. 
Frequently, boils and increased mucus discharge (colds) may  appear during 
the initial stages of the healing process, sometimes starting  already one or 
two weeks after improving the diet and beginning to take  supplements. This 
indicates that the organs of elimination are congested. During  Such times take 
little food, but generous amounts of herb teas, fresh vegetable  juices and 
water. Preferably go on a cleansing diet. 
You may notice an advance warning of an approaching healing  crisis in the 
iris, when a formerly grey or brown reflex area becomes whitish.  At the same 
time, the reflex points underneath the feet and on the hands, as  well as 
pressure points related to the activated organ, become more tender and  should 
pressed. Such healing crises may appear from time to time separated by  weeks, 
months or even years bringing us ever closer to our distant goal of  superior 
Some further problems may develop during health improvement.  Formerly, the 
body responses may have been dulled - it did not react to harmful  foods or 
drugs - but now the reaction is often immediate and forceful. 
Foods that you may have eaten habitually before going on a  cleansing diet 
may suddenly cause a gastro-intestinal upset, making you feel  sick and 
miserable for days. However, such reactions do not need to happen if  you take 
precautions: find out to which foods you are allergic and try to  avoid these 
as well as foods that may be a problem for you. If you eat out and  do not 
know what to expect, take plenty of digestive enzymes and lecithin during  the 
meal, and try to eat foods in correct combination; if allergy symptoms  appear, 
use alkalisers together with calcium ascorbate. 
Basically, one may say that your body now trusts that you will  not hurt it 
any more in the old ways. But if you do, your body is very offended  and lets 
you (your mind) know about it in no uncertain terms. This is the most  
effective language that your body has. However, if you learn to listen, your  
will first try to tell you about its requirements in a more subtle way - an  
intestinal rumbling, an itch, a slight muscle weakness or a passing pain. There 
are numerous ways a body expresses its needs and each one has its own language  
of symptoms. 
Furthermore, if you are honest and persistent in your desire  to become a 
friend of your body, it will eventually let you know its needs by  intuition, 
its likes and dislikes, you will rediscover your lost body  instincts. This is 
what we really should aim for: to become independent of  outside expert 
advice and just do what our body tells us is right for us to do,  not only in 
field of nutrition, but in everyday living and with important  decisions as 
While one can usually gain relatively quick relief from  distressing disease 
symptoms, rebuilding a strong and healthy body is a slow  process and takes a 
long time. It requires a great deal of experimenting in  order to find our 
individual conditions for healing, and it also needs solid  determination to 
carry through with a program for many years. 
Generally, recently acquired chronic weaknesses are the first  to flare up 
and become healed, while our oldest and most persistent health  problems are 
last to yield. Thus there appears to be an orderly sequence in  our health 
improvement. Healing proceeds in a wave pattern with an upward slope.  On the 
peak of a wave we feel much improved, while in a trough we experience  
activity or a healing reaction and feel down. The overall movement,  however, 
is towards greater wellbeing. 
Just looking at the symptoms of a reaction, you will not be  able to 
distinguish a healing crisis from a disease crisis -a flare-up on the  downhill 
to degenerative disease. In fact, the symptoms are the same  because the 
underlying process is the same. 
The body always tries to heal itself and an acute inflammation  is an 
important tool for this purpose. An inflammation makes the walls of the  blood 
vessels porous to allow an increased flow of lymph fluid to move in immune  
and remove accumulated toxins. At this stage it is just an acute  inflammation 
and we can choose to turn it into a healing crisis by supporting  the body 
mentally and nutritionally or we can choose to suppress the acute  condition 
return to a chronic degenerative condition. 
Therefore, anything that suppresses an acute inflammation  prevents healing 
of the affected area. This includes not only anti-inflammatory  drugs and 
remedies, but also strong alkalisers that reduce the release of  histamine. The 
pain and heat in the inflamed area is the price we have to pay  for it being 
However, anti-inflammatory agents and alkalisers have their  place to ease 
the discomfort of a chronic inflammation until the body has been  nutritionally 
and mentally prepared for a healing reaction. Furthermore, the  symptoms 
during a reaction may either be too severe or come at an inopportune  time. 
you can lessen or temporarily stop them by adding cooked food to a  raw food 
cleansing diet or by alkalising the body and using anti-inflammatory  remedies. 
Usually we can select a suitable time for a healing crisis by  starting a 
strict cleanse on raw food only, especially fresh vegetable juices or  fruit, 
possibly also vegetable salads. A fruit cleanse is more suitable for  
individuals and vegetables are much better with an over-acid and  sensitive 
One of the main factors reducing the severity of any symptoms  is a clean 
bowel, regardless whether the reaction was triggered deliberately or  
involuntarily. The easiest way to do this is by taking a tablespoon of Epsom  
salts (more 
or less according to bowel reaction) in water at bedtime or on  rising. If no 
solid food is used then take a teaspoon of psyllium hulls several  times 
daily in a glass of unchloriated water. Too little water can cause  
Another way to ease or shorten a reaction is press-point  therapy: strongly 
press into tender points on the feet and body related to  problem areas until 
the points lose their tenderness. This may take hours or  days with some key 
points. You can further support your body with light,  enjoyable outdoors 
activity. Also prayer and meditation or guided imagery are  recommended. 
As you can see, there is no simple path to completely avoid  health-related 
suffering. We can only choose in which way we want to suffer. We  can either 
deliberately and cheerfully endure the unpleasantness of repeated  healing 
crises with the promise of better health to follow, or we can expect to  suffer 
involuntarily and in an uncontrolled way from chronic-degenerative  diseases as 
we get older. The choice is ours.
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