Gary DeMar is one of the founding crackpots of "Christian
Reconstructionism" or "Christian Dominionism."

"" is one of the main sites for that movement.

Here are some excerpts from some of that movement's articles, speeches,
and books quoted in a report:
By Katherine Yurica
September 14, 2004

Paul Weyrich's Secret Manual on How to Win Politically

One document not mentioned in The Despoiling of America is the closeted
manual that reveals how the right wing in American politics can get and
keep power. It was created under the tutelage of Paul Weyrich, the man
who founded the Free Congress Foundation. Conservative leaders consider
Weyrich to be the "most powerful man in American politics today." There
is no question of his immense influence in conservative circles. He is
also considered the founder of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative
think tank made possible with funding from Joseph Coors and Richard
Mellon-Scaife. Weyrich served as the Founding President from 1973-1974.

To get a sense of how revolutionary the political fight for power in the
U.S. is, we need to look at a few quotes from what has been dubbed,
"Paul Weyrich's Teaching Manual," the Free Congress Foundation's
strategic plan on how to gain control of the government of the U.S.
Written by Eric Heubeck, and titled, "The Integration of Theory and
Practice: A Program for the New Traditionalist Movement," the document
is no longer available at the Free Congress Foundation's website for
obvious reasons. But excerpts are published at the Yurica Report. The
excerpts explain why the Dominionists are winning; the tactics they
endorse are sheer Machiavellian:
I have paraphrased the four immoral principles of the Dominionist
movement as the following:
1)ÊÊÊÊÊ Falsehoods are not only acceptable, they are a
necessity. The corollary is: The masses will accept any lie if it is
spoken with vigor, energy and dedication.

2)ÊÊÊÊÊ It is necessary to be cast under the cloak of
"goodness" whereas all opponents and their ideas must be cast as "evil."

3)ÊÊÊÊÊ Complete destruction of every opponent must be
accomplished through unrelenting personal attacks.

4)ÊÊÊÊÊ The creation of the appearance of overwhelming power
and brutality is necessary in order to destroy the will of opponents to
launch opposition of any kind.
According to Jeffry Sharlet, Hitler's Mein Kampf and William L. Shirer's
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich are studied as textbooks in a
particular leadership training group he wrote about in Harper's
Eric Heubeck, the author of Mr. Weyrich's manual, does not mince words.
Here is a sample of the most immoral political program ever adopted by a
political movement in this country. Notice that the manual begins with
the adoption of the fundamental fact of Machiavellianism:
"This essay is based on the belief that the truth of an idea is not the
primary reason for its acceptance. Far more important is the energy and
dedication of the idea's promoters÷in other words, the individuals
composing a social or political movement·
"We must, as Mr. Weyrich has suggested, develop a network of parallel
cultural institutions existing side-by-side with the dominant leftist
cultural institutions. The building and promotion of these institutions
will require the development of a movement that will not merely reform
the existing post-war conservative movement, but will in fact be forced
to supersede it÷if it is to succeed at all÷because it will pursue a
very different strategy and be premised on a very different view of its
role in society·.
"There will be three main stages in the unfolding of this movement. The
first stage will be devoted to the development of a highly motivated
elite able to coordinate future activities. The second stage will be
devoted to the development of institutions designed to make an impact on
the wider elite and a relatively small minority of the masses. The third
stage will involve changing the overall character of American popular
"Our movement will be entirely destructive, and entirely constructive.
We will not try to reform the existing institutions. We only intend to
weaken them, and eventually destroy them. We will endeavor to knock our
opponents off-balance and unsettle them at every opportunity. All of our
constructive energies will be dedicated to the creation of our own
"We will maintain a constant barrage of criticism against the Left. We
will attack the very legitimacy of the Left. We will not give them a
moment's rest. We will endeavor to prove that the Left does not deserve
to hold sway over the heart and mind of a single American.Ê We will
offer constant reminders that there is an alternative, there is a better
way. When people have had enough of the sickness and decay of today's
American culture, they will be embraced by and welcomed into the New
Traditionalist movement. The rejection of the existing society by the
people will thus be accomplished by pushing them and pulling them
"We will use guerrilla tactics to undermine the legitimacy of the
dominant regime·
"We must create a countervailing force that is just as adept as the Left
at intimidating people and institutions that are used as tools of
left-wing activism but are not ideologically committed, such as
Hollywood celebrities, multinational corporations, and university
administrators. We must be feared, so that they will think twice before
opening their mouths·
"We will be results-oriented rather than good intentions-oriented.
Making a good-faith effort and being ideologically sound will be less
important than advancing the goals of the movement·
"We need more people with fire in the belly, and we need a message that
attracts those kinds of people·.We must reframe this struggle as a
moral struggle, as a transcendent struggle, as a struggle between good
and evil. And we must be prepared to explain why this is so. We must
provide the evidence needed to prove this using images and simple
In actuality, the concept that dominionist minded conservatives should
establish parallel or dual institutions is a new form of segregation.
This is especially apparent when a conservative institution offers the
same services or products as the liberal oriented institutions. In other
words, if it is not possible for dominionists to takeover or grab power
in every institution÷they create a parallel world so that the left is
to be separated and segregated from the right and conservatives are
urged to purchase from the conservative institutions.
The fact that Weyrich's plan has actually been instituted is all around
us. The Council on Foreign Relations is mimicked by the secretive
dominionist Council for National Policy. [2] The so called "liberal"
press is countered with Fox News and Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times,
and dominionist talk show hosts spew their right wing political views
and venom from coast to coast. Public schools are countered with private
home and chartered schools. And in the last few months a move has been
made within the churches to break-up and divide denominations along the
lines of conservative beliefs in certain social issues so that two sets
of churches will be created: one that practices right wing politics and
one that is liberal!
[1] The doctrine that Christians should seek worldly power and use it to
dominate the culture of any country they occupy was first expressed by
Pat Robertson on his 700 Club show in the 1980's. On his 700 Club
television show (5-1-86) Robertson said: "God's plan is for His people,
ladies and gentlemen to take dominion·What is dominion? Well, dominion
is Lordship. He wants His people to reign and rule with Him·but He's
waiting for us to·extend His dominion·And the Lord says, 'I'm going
to let you redeem society. There'll be a reformation·.We are not going
to stand for those coercive utopians in the Supreme Court and in
Washington ruling over us any more. We're not gonna stand for it. We are
going to say, 'we want freedom in this country, and we want power·'"
Robertson said on his program the 700 Club (5-13-86):Ê "We've sat idly
by long enough and said, 'Well religion and politics don't mix.' Don't
you believe it. If we don't have moral people in government then the
only other people that can be in government are immoral. That's the only
way it goes. Either you have moral people in there or you have immoral
[2] The Council for National Policy (CNP) was founded in 1981 when
Timothy LaHaye (author of the Left Behind series) became the
organization's first president. LaHaye is credited with the idea of the
organization. The CNP has been cloaked in secrecy since its inception.
The organization holds three meetings each year to plan the strategy for
implementing its agenda. The activists meet with their financial backers
who put up the money to execute the agenda of the institution. The
membership list and any speeches made to the members are kept in strict
secrecy. White House officials have appeared before the group, including
President Bush, but their remarks have been held in secrecy. The Yurica
Report obtained a list of members from several years prior that reveal
the heavy weights in the Christian and hard right dominionist movement.
Here is a sample: Gary Bauer, Pat Boone, Grover Norquist, Dr. Gary North
and R. J. Rushdoony, (North's father-in-law, the founder of the
Christian Reconstructionist and Dominionist movement), Lt. Col. Oliver
North, Pat Robertson, James Robinson, Howard J. Ruff, Nelson Bunker
Hunt, Howard Ahmanson, Jr., Phyllis Schlafly, Bob Jones, III, Jack Kemp,
Alan Keyes, Dr. James Kennedy, Beverly LaHaye, Tim LaHaye, Marlin
Maddoux, Peter Marshall, Jr., Dr. James Dobson, Jeffrey Coors, Joseph
Coors, Bill Bright, Major General John K. Singlaub, Lt. General Gordon
Sumner, Jerry Falwell, Father Charles Fiore, Alan Gottlieb, Lt. General
Daniel O. Graham, Edwin Meese, Paul Weyrich, John W. Whitehead, Rev.
DonaldWildmon, Pierre du Pont, Ann Drexel, Arnaud deBorchgrave, Richard
DeVos, Terry Dolan, Sen. William Dannemeyer, Jesse Helms, etc.

robert luis rabello nobody at

        While I agree in substance with much of the article Brooke Allen
composed, here is a rebuttal that my eldest sister (the one who is happy
to stay in Oakland, where she lives) sent for my perusal:

Did George Bush Lie About America Being Founded on Christian Principles?
By Gary DeMar
Ken Provost wrote:
> A breath of fresh air -- thanks! Having been an
> unabashed atheist for 90% of my long life, it's
> great to know that my hero Tom Jefferson wasn't
> even a real Deist (as I've always been taught),
> much less an X-tian like our rulers would have you
> believe. 'Course Tom has almost been drummed out
> of the Founding Father's Klub already, and our
> Revolution has been renamed the War of Independ-
> ence for decades now......

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