     In a reply re: washing BD you suggested adding a small amount of 
phosphoric acid to the first wash. (0.20 ml 85% phosphoric acid/L of BD).
    The results on a recent batch were impressive. I stir wash 76L (20 gal) 
batches. I usually go easy on the first wash and allow it to settle 
overnight. Second, third and fourth washes get buzzed pretty good. I allow 
2nd and 3rd to settle 2 - 3 hrs. and the 4th overnight.
     After adding 15 ml of 85% phosphoric acid to the first wash water, the 
mix separated cleanly in an hour or less.
I also achieved clear water after only three washes  ...  a first for me. 
Your suggestion saves me time, energy and water.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Compressed air wash
> Thomas,
> Bubble washing prolly won't condemn your fuel. But it does degrade it.
 Whether you use "tiny bubbles..." for a long duration or short bursts of 
compressed air, do you really think that there is less air contact with the 
fuel in the end run?

   On either wash type, you might try adding around 0.20 milliliters of 85% 
phosphoric acid to the wash water. This will allow more of the base soaps to 
come out in the first wash, reducing your overall wash  number/volume.

> Todd Swearingen

    That's 0.20 ml per liter of fuel to be washed. Adjust as needed to bring 
the wash water to neutral, which means toy with it. Doing this in the first 
wash will yield remarkable improvements in any subsequent wash.
   Todd Swearingen

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