Looks like the China scare caught this in the dragnet

    Tainted livestock feed in U.S.
Company added melamine   
  RICK WEISS; The Washington Post
  Published: May 31st, 2007 01:00 AM
  WASHINGTON – An Ohio company has long been adding the industrial toxin 
melamine to animal feed ingredients, and those feeds have been consumed by 
livestock and fish meant for human consumption, officials with the Food and 
Drug Administration said Wednesday.   The FDA’s announcement was the first 
indication that a U.S. company had used melamine as an animal feed ingredient. 
Previously, the problem of melamine in animal feed was thought to be contained 
to China, where manufacturers had added it to wheat gluten.
  The Ohio company was adding the chemical as a binding agent to hold feed 
granules in pellet form, in contrast to the recent pet food scandal, which 
involved imported ingredients that were spiked with melamine to provide a false 
measure of protein content, officials said.
  But as with the pet food scandal, they said, the levels of melamine involved 
appear to be too low to pose a health hazard to any humans who might have eaten 
animals that consumed the tainted feed.
  The company, Tembec BTLSR Inc. of Toledo, sold the melamine-laden feed 
ingredients to Uniscope Inc. of Johnstown, Colo., which used them to make three 
finished food products – one for cattle, sheep and goats, and two meant for 
fish and shrimp.
  The contamination came to the FDA’s attention May 18 after officials from 
Uniscope tested for melamine in the feed components they were buying – 
something the FDA has been encouraging food producers to do.
  The FDA began an investigation the next working day, officials said.
  As the culmination of that process, officials said, Tembec initiated a formal 
recall Wednesday of its products, and the company has stopped adding the 
  It remains unclear why Tembec did not stop the practice of using melamine 
months ago given the intense publicity generated by the pet food scandal, 
during which officials repeatedly made it clear that melamine is not an 
approved additive for human or animal food.
  “What they knew and didn’t know before will be part of the investigation as 
it unfolds,” said David Acheson, the FDA’s assistant commissioner for food 
protection, during a telephone news conference Wednesday.
  Officials said they didn’t know how many animals might have eaten the food or 
how long the practice of making the pellets with melamine has been going on. 
But the presumption, Acheson said, is that it’s a longstanding practice.
  Melamine levels in the companies’ livestock feed were so low as to not pose 
any risk to the animals, much less to consumers, Acheson said. Levels in the 
fish and shrimp feed were high enough to raise some concerns about those 
animals’ health, but are still “very unlikely to pose a human health risk,” he 
  Acheson said that the two fish feed products that Uniscope made from Tembec’s 
tainted ingredients were exported to other countries. The FDA is trying to 
track the amounts and destinations of the feed.
  The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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