Terror of Pediatric Medicine
IMVA Publications

Dear IMVA, 

I am very pleased to announce the free e-book "The Terror of Pediatric 
Medicine" (350 pages), which is the first of a series of books on medical truth 
from the newly formed publishing company inside the IMVA. Anyone who wants to 
read about the dangers of vaccines and other horrific medical practices aimed 
at the very young will find this book medically and scientifically informative 
as well as inspirational. Early on I say in the book "by the time you finish 
reading this book, you will understand the title." I was on the radio tonight 
speaking in no uncertain terms about the terrorism of the Federal Drug and Food 
Administration (FDA) and the big pharmaceutical companies who are into the 
culture of poisoning people and calling that medicine. 

Helping children by poisoning them is not a viable option or even medically 
sane though the medical community thinks so. Pediatrics is in general inhumane. 
It's a group of men and woman specially trained to terrorize newborns and young 
ones and their families and to feel good about it in the process. If that is 
not the truth I would like to hear about it! Of course I would concede the many 
exceptions, the courageous ones that step out from the herd but that is almost 
impossible for an American pediatrician to do unless he or she retires. 

This is an updated version of my early work in the vaccine field, a widely 
published mini book: "Cry of the Heart." The new book covers in-depth the 
vaccine controversy, pediatric dentistry, oncology as well as childhood 
psychiatry and psychology. The book format is in beautiful html and offers us 
hope and solutions for a world of medicine gone mad and is especially timely 
considering the recent information on the state legislators, backed heavily by 
the pharmaceutical companies and political groups, who are attempting and 
succeeding in making mandatory the new and unproven HPV vaccine against 
cervical cancer for all girls at age 11.

Link to the book download: http://www.imva.info/books.shtml

You have to send in your name and email address to access the download but I 
will make sure that you do not receive duplicates of our newsletter. 

I am off tomorrow into the interior of Brazil for two weeks to my retreat 
center that I hope to turn into a sanctuary for my friends. Also I want to open 
up options for my family's future. With massive climate changes in the offering 
I want to have two entirely different environments to choose from. I presently 
live in a modern city on the coast but want my hands in a pristine area at the 
far end of the world in the interior highlands. Drinking the water as it comes 
out of the mountain side is highly appealing to me. 

I have been getting a few letters in protest against my political writings and 
some people just do not get it. In a world of separation we have become 
terribly fragmented in our thinking when in reality everything converges and 
has an effect on every other thing. Principles of Oneness translate into the 
reality that global warming will greatly impact our health. It is already 
killing many people and will kill millions and millions more in the coming 
years. So will the insanity of the president of the United States if he starts 
yet another war. Medicine and health are not separate from politics or even 
economics as many millions will soon learn. Even the housing bubble 
http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article303.html will affect the health and 
happiness of millions. The economics of medicine as well as the financial 
fundamentals of the world, especially the United States, are on incredibly 
shaky grounds. 

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association 
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