Tristan Pearce
Ruth DeSantis

Inuit in the Canadian Arctic have long warned that the climate is changing.

In Nunavut an Inuit hunter clings onto broken ice, desperately  
fighting not to slip into the frigid waters, his heart pumps furiously  
as he scrambles, boots slipping on the wet ice, gravity pushing him  
closer to the open water, to reach safety.

His snow machine, the only means of transportation he has during the  
long winter months, sinks quickly but he somehow manages to stay dry  
and seek refuge on stable ice; others have not been so lucky.

His story, like others before him, fails to make the news. It is a  
story that has become all too common across the Canadian Arctic and  
has been too easily forgotten.

Last Friday, scientists from around the world gathered in Paris to  
release the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)  
report. This is the fourth IPCC report since 1990 and convincingly  
reaffirms that climate change is caused by the human burning of fossil  

In the wake of the IPCC report ? and the daily reality of living with  
a changing climate ? Canadian voters are making the environment a top  
priority. We in southern Canada are finally accepting what Inuit in  
the North have been trying to tell us for the past two decades: The  
climate is changing!

Despite early warnings from the Arctic, we ? individuals, households,  
communities, businesses and governments ? have taken, at best, limited  
action to address climate change. As a result, we have committed the  
Earth to some degree of future warming despite even the most  
aggressive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

While Ottawa scrambles to assemble a federal climate change plan  
muddled in partisan politics, Inuit in Canada are moving ahead and are  
already leading climate change adaptation planning for the Arctic.

The Nunavut government recognizes that climate change poses major  
economic, environmental and social challenges to the people of Nunavut  
and is committed to working with communities to develop adaptation  
plans that will address the impacts of climate change on social,  
environmental, economic and health sectors.

Workshops have been held in communities across the North documenting  
local experiences coping with climate change. The challenge now is to  
incorporate climate change adaptation into community planning and  
decision making.

The following is a list of key aspects of adaptation planning that  
have been learned in the North and have application for climate change  
adaptation planning in southern communities:

Community engagement in adaptation planning is essential. The effects  
of climate change are highly localized and will be conditioned by  
local factors including economy, geography, resource-dependence and  

Local and scientific knowledge can contribute to adaptation planning.

Climate change will be experienced together with other stresses  
already present in a community. It is therefore essential to consider  
multiple drivers of cumulative change in adaptation planning.

Adaptation planning should, when possible, be linked with existing  
policy processes and/or evolve within existing institutions.

Adaptations to climate change will not necessarily be in response to  
climate change alone but may be in response to stresses already  
present in the community.

These elements of climate change adaptation planning are already being  
recognized in the Arctic, where Inuit leaders in Nunavut have taken  
the initiative to prepare their communities to deal with future  
climate change.

It is time for southern Canada to stop pondering what to do about  
climate change, take ownership of the problem, and address it.

This involves implementing international agreements that work to  
reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and working with communities  
across Canada on climate change adaptation planning.

As Canada formulates its approach to dealing with climate change, we  
can learn from adaptation experiences already underway in the Arctic.

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

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