Energy harvesters extract power from light, vibrations
Harvesting ambient energy from light or vibrational sources
can free power-miserly designs from traditional power lines
and batteries

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Many systems, such as tiny wireless-networked sensor nodes
 and low-cost calculators for the consumer market, have 
severely constrained power sources resulting from remote
 location, cost considerations, portability requirements,
 or other factors. In addition, the move toward wireless
 communications, which obsoletes many system cables, makes
 designers want to further untether systems from power cords
 and recharge units using energy harvesters. These small 
devices convert the freely available energy inherent in 
most operating environments into conditioned electrical
 power. The most common energy harvesters are based on 
small solar cells or electromagnetic devices that convert
 mechanical vibrations.

Energy harvesters also find use in environments that have
 ready access to power lines, such as factory floors. Roy
 Freeland, chief executive officer of energy-harvester
 vendor Perpetuum, points out that initial installation
 can be a significant portion of system costs for networked
 machinery monitors. "The cost of taking that factory power
 and wiring it up to the sensor and transmitter accounts
 for about 80% of the cost of installing condition-monitoring
 equipment." In contrast, the installation of self-contained
 power units with magnetic holders involves only walking up
 to a machine and snapping the unit in place.

Batteries also can free a system from a power cord but
 at the cost of limiting the system's service-free life.
 After two years of usage, a vibrational energy harvester
 is a superior source to a lithium battery . If your
 application's lifetime is 10 years or longer, a vibrational
 or a solar source is superior to any battery technology.
 Labor costs can add a prohibitive premium to the system's
 lifetime-ownership cost, so just changing the battery is
 not an option.

On the downside, systems relying on harvested energy must
 operate on a bare minimum of power. Wolfgang Heller, PhD,
 product-line manager for wireless-sensor manufacturer 
EnOcean, cautions against trying to design a wireless-sensor
 network separately from the power source. "We've had 
discussions with customers who have their own radio and
want to buy just the energy harvester. It always turns
 out that the radio they have consumes 100 or 1000 times
 more energy per bit transmitted than our design. It's
 not feasible to use these tiny energy harvesters with 
any other radio."

EnOcean offers network nodes that can receive power from
 several types of energy harvesters, including light-switch
 actuators, linear-motion converters, mechanical vibration,
 thermal gradients, and the sun. EnOcean's PTM 200 light-switch
 actuator integrates a relay with a magnet and a coil, so 
that moving the switch to turn the light on or off changes
 the flux through the coil, generating a voltage. The 
switch module wirelessly transmits the on/off command to
 the room light. This information is useful in a smart 
building (Reference 2). It also can drastically reduce
 the wiring labor costs for a building. When the room lights
 are all under a local wireless network, installing them does
 not require an electrician. Thermal-gradient-powered devices
 are candidates for industrial applications in which the 
production processes produce heat. Thermal-powered harvesters
 should become commercially available within six months.

Off the grid 
EnOcean also makes solar-powered STM100 network nodes. The
 modules have a two-section solar cell; one section is 
larger than the other. The smaller section charges a small
 capacitor that powers the sensor and RF circuitry during
 quick-start/wake-up mode. The larger section charges an 
ultracapacitor that powers the system during periods of 
darkness. Says Heller, "If we had only one solar-cell section,
 it would take hours to start up because the ultracapacitor
 needs more time to achieve the necessary voltage level. So,
 we power the quick-start mode with the smaller part of the
 solar cell, and then we achieve several days of operation 
in darkness."

EnOcean's solar-powered modules use a polycrystalline solar
 cell. Polycrystalline cells convert solar energy to electric
 power at an efficiency of 11 to 16% and are familiar sights
 on residential and industrial off-the-grid solar-panel systems.
 Another popular type of solar cell is amorphous silicon, but
 its efficiency is only 8%, or about half that of polycrystalline.
 Besides being less efficient, amorphous-silicon cells' conversion
 efficiency degrades 15 to 35% per year in direct sunlight.
 Despite these significant drawbacks, amorphous cells are popular
 because they cost about an order of magnitude less than 
polycrystalline cells÷a significant advantage in high-volume
 consumer electronics. For example, a typical 55×11-mm 
polycrystalline cell costs about $3 compared with less than
 25 cents for an amorphous-silicon cell. One solar-powered 
electronic device that uses amorphous-silicon cells is the
 ubiquitous solar-powered calculator, such as that from 
Texas Instruments.

Russ Rosenquist, senior designer for calculator products 
at Texas Instruments, breaks solar-cell selection into how
 much power a system requires based on its computational
 power and display needs and what size solar cell will 
generate that power in the expected operating environment.
 Two typical environments for calculator use are classrooms,
 which usually have fluorescent lighting, and hotel rooms,
 which usually have dimmable, incandescent lighting. "We
try to design to operate at the lowest light levels you 
can possibly find in the workplace or school," says Rosenquist.
 "There is a limit: There are places where people can see the
 display of the calculator, but there's not enough energy with
 that light level to actually run the product. We normally 
design down to light levels of 50 to 75 lux. At that level,
 you can see pretty well; it's not so dark that you can't 
see things across the room. That's the lowest level we've
 been able to achieve with the amorphous panel at a size 
that's appropriate for our calculator footprint." Another
 benchmark for what to expect in a well-lit environment
 is that most school classrooms in the United States have
 lighting levels of 200 to 500 lux. "Classrooms are well-lit
 environments," he says.

In addition to the lower cost, one of the advantages of
 an amorphous-silicon cell is that it's more efficient 
than a polycrystalline cell under fluorescent and incandescent
 lighting. Amorphous-silicon cells respond differently to
 different wavelengths, says Rosenquist. "You get more power
 out of 50 lux of incandescent than 50 lux of fluorescent
÷roughly 25% more," he says.

Rosenquist also notes that users can sometimes employ a 
calculator in bright sunshine. In typical room lighting, 
the solar cell generates less than 1.5V, and in bright sunshine,
 it may generate much more than 2V. "We put an LED in parallel
 with the cell, so that, when you're in very bright light, the 
LED starts to sink a lot of the extra current and hold that 
voltage at 1.5V," he says. The LED becomes a simple, inexpensive
 voltage clamp.

As with most of the design engineers working with harvested-energy
 sources, designing your overall system to be miserly with power
 is just as important as selecting an energy source 

Good vibrations 
Not all operating environments have reliable, constant
 light. For example, machinery-monitoring sensors may not
 have reliable light but have plentiful vibrational energy.
 Vibrational-energy harvesters can be either electromechanical
 or piezoelectric; electromechanical harvesters are more common.
 Perpetuum's Freeland says the company originally pursued 
piezoelectric technology but eventually concluded that it
 simply did not generate enough power at the amplitude and
 frequency of vibrations in machines and buildings. Instead,
 Perpetuum turned to electromagnetics, including coils, 
magnets, and a resonant beam, and designed a generator that
 could produce significant amounts of electricity from 
readily available vibrations. "These are vibrations from 
typical machinery, or even a domestic refrigerator: around
 50 Hz in Europe, 60 Hz in the United States, or 100 to 
120 Hz. At these frequencies, if you've got 0.5 to 0.1g, 
then you are generating enough to power electronic circuits."
 The module includes a power-conditioning circuit that produces
 3 or 3.3V dc from the generator's initial ac power. Current
 depends on the strength of the vibrations but, for typical
 machinery, can be approximately 1- to 3-mW power generation.

Freeland describes a wireless-sensor system that one of
 Perpetuum's customers designed. "The device included a 
temperature and a humidity sensor and transmitted twice
 a second. Typically, a transmitter needs about 30 mW,
 but the device transmits for only tens of milliseconds,
 and there is normally a capacitor in the circuit that
 is charged up and that then discharges to drive the 
transmission, which is the heaviest power requirement." 
Perpetuum's generator costs $30 (volume quantities).

Ferro Solutions also makes vibrational generators. The
 company based its initial product on electromagnetic 
technology but has recently patented and produced a 
piezoelectric version that amplifies the piezoelectric-bender
 (a strip of flexible, piezoelectric material) magnetostrictive
 component, which changes shape based on a magnetic field. 
The price is approximately $30.

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