After some digging in the Biofuel archives - 

 [Biofuel] US California Ethanol
 29 Sep 2004

 ETHANOL As a Transportation Fuel In California 

 As of January 1, 2004, California completed a transition from
 methyl tertiary butyl-ether (MTBE) to ethanol as a gasoline
 oxygenate additive. With most gasoline sold in the state
 presently containing 5.7 percent ethanol, California is
 now the largest ethanol fuel market in the United States.
 About one billion gallons of ethanol are expected to be
 used in the state's gasoline supply in 2004. 

 The Energy Commission continues to study the potential for
 ethanol fuel production and use as part of California's
 overall strategy to assure adequate transportation energy
 supplies and reduce dependence on petroleum. In addition to
 its use as a gasoline blending component, ethanol can also
 be used as E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline) in flexible fuel
 vehicles being produced by automakers. 

 Most of California's current ethanol supply comes from the
 Midwest U.S. corn-based industry, with a small supply
 contribution from foreign imports. There are only two
 small producers of ethanol in California today; however,
 a number of projects for expanded in state ethanol
 production are under consideration.   [more]

 Properties of Alcohol Transportation Fuels - was: [biofuel] Emissions of Neat 
 02 Nov 2003 

 "Training On Fuel Ethanol"

 Alcohol Fuels Reference Work  
   For additional references 
 Prepared for:
   Biofuels Systems Division
   Office of Alternative Fuels
   U.S. Department of Energy
 Prepared by:
   Fuels and Transportation Division 
 July 1991 

 Alcohol Fuels Reference Work #1

 1-1  SECTION 1. Introduction
      1,900Kb PDF 

 2-1  SECTION 2. Basic Chemistry of Alcohol Fuels
      4,184Kb PDF 
 2-1    Chemical Structure
 2-3    Physical Properties of Alcohols

 3-1  SECTION 3. The Internal Combustion Engine
      4,668Kb PDF 
 3-2    Engine Design
 3-8    Operating Parameters
 3-17   Key Design Parameters for Alcohol Combustion

 4-1  SECTION 4. Volatility of Transportation Fuels
      3,469Kb PDF 
 4-2    Reid Vapor Pressure
 4-6    Distillation Curves
 4-11   Vapor/Liquid Ratio

 5-1  SECTION 5. Compatibility of Alcohols with Other Fuels in Blends
      3,050Kb PDF 
 5-2    Solubility in Gasoline
 5-4    Creation of Mixtures Having Different Properties than Constituent Fuels
 5-7    Bonding with Water and Its Implications
 5-7    Alcohol/Gasoline Separation
 5-10   Methods to Overcome Phase Separation

 6-1  SECTION 6. Engine and Vehicle Operation Issues
      3,292Kb PDF 
 6-2    Low Ambient Temperature Starting
 6-6    High Temperature Performance
 6-10   Vehicle Range

 7-1  SECTION 7. Cleaning and Corrosion Characteristics of Alcohol
      2,976Kb PDF 
 7-2    Solvent Characteristics of Alcohols and Alcohol Blends
 7-2    Influence on the Combustion Chamber
 7-2    Influence of Alcohols on Various Materials
 7-4    Effects of Alcohols on Various Materials
 7-5    Influence on Fuel Distribution System
 7-6    Vehicle Failures
 7-9    Additives Required to Prevent Corrosion

 8-1  SECTION 8. New Directions for Reformulating Alcohols Fuels
      to Overcome Operational Problems
      2,450Kb PDF 
 8-2    Cetane Number
 8-5    Miscibility with Water and Hydrocarbon Fuels
 8-5    Electric Conductivity and Oxygen Content
 8-6    Viscosity
 8-6    Cold Weather Startability
 8-7    Conclusion

 9-1  SECTION 9. Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)
      3,109Kb PDF 
 9-1    Gasoline-related Properties
 9-4    Performance
 9-7    Production Process Technology
 9-12   Supplies and Commercialization
 9-13   Conclusions

 10-1 SECTION 10. Health and Safety Issues
      2,201Kb PDF 
 10-1   Toxicity
 10-4   Leaks and Spills in Water
 10-5   Leaks and Spills on Land
 10-6   Safety

      889Kb PDF 
      2,605Kb PDF 

 Section 1
 During the mid and late i980s, research on alcohol fuels
 undertaken in the United States, Japan, and Europe expanded
 greatly.  This research has covered the entire alcohol production,
 distribution and utilization process, from the selection of high-yield
 cultivars as feedstocks for the production process to the
 performance of neat alcohol fuels and blends in production
 passenger vehicles.  Much of the recent research on alcohol fuel
 utilization has been undertaken by or funded by the R&D
 departments of private firms, as they seek new fuel and vehicle
 combinations to meet projected environmental and efficiency
 requirements for the 1990s.  The state-of-the-art has been evolving
 very rapidly, as public and private sector groups continue research
 and development efforts that will lead to expanded alcohol fuel
 production and usage.  The results of this research have been
 published primarily in journals dedicated to the scientific and
 engineering community, and have not been broadly disseminated to
 the public policy community.  In addition, new information has
 been developed incrementally, and no compilation of recent
 findings is currently available. 

 At the same time, a broad spectrum of public sector decisionmakers
 have become interested in potential applications of alcohol
 fuels to solve specific problems.  These range from city and state
 officials, seeking to comply with required reductions in vehicle
 emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides, to federal
 officials currently engaged in follow-up to the recently published
 National Energy Strategy and examining options to reduce future
 importation of crude oil and refined petroleum products. 

 Because of the rapid rate of change in the research knowledge, and
 the very specific needs of public policy decision-makers, a widening
 gap has emerged in knowledge of the state-of-the art in alcohol
 fuels.  At the end of 1989, it was therefore determined by the
 Biofuels Systems Division of the U.S. Department of Energy to
 develop a series of Alcohol Fuel Reference Works.  The
 publications are targeted specifically at public decision-makers to
 provide a comprehensive set of current information on all aspects
 of alcohol fuels, from feedstock growth performance and alcohol’s
 chemical characteristics to infrastructure requirements for
 widespread sale of neat alcohol fuels. 

 The following report is the first in a series of Alcohol Fuel
 Reference Works.  It presents a range of scientific and engineering
 information on the characteristics of alcohol fuels.  Research
 findings and data from the period 1985-1990 are emphasized,
 although more generic information on characteristics has also been
 included from standard chemistry, engineering, and petrochemical
 reference texts published prior to 1985.  This reference work is
 designed to serve as a desk companion for public policy decisionmakers,
 and is organized by ten major topical areas.  To facilitate
 usage, each section of the reference work has been designed to
 stand alone, with only infrequent cross-references to other sections.
 Key facts and definitions of terms are provided in a “quick
 reference” summary at the beginning of each major section.
 Extensive use of graphics has been made, whenever possible
 reproducing the full range of information presented in the original
 research reports. 

 The major foci of this report are the two primary fuel alcohols --
 ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and methanol (methyl alcohol).  Where
 particular research reports examined other alcohol fuels 
 (propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, decyl alcohol, etc.) or
 alcohol-based ethers (particularly methyl tertiary butyl ether or
 MTBE and ethyl tertiary butyl ether or ETBE), these results have
 also been included in the analysis.  Due to increased interest in
 ETBE as a means for reformulating gasoline to meet the requirements
 of the 1990 revisions to the Clean Air Act, a separate section on
 ETBE has been included.  In the case of engine-related research,
 there has been a great deal more recent published works on methanol and
 MTBE than has been published on ethanol and ETBE, and this is
 reflected in the information presented here.  Throughout the series
 of reference works, however, every attempt has been made to
 present current research findings on both methanol and ethanol. 

 Section 5    pg5-7 
 Bonding with Water and its Implications

 Low-molecular weight alcohols such as methanol and ethanol are
 completely soluble in water.  Because of their polar structure, the
 alcohol molecules actively associate with water molecules through
 hydrogen bonds.  The hydrogen bonds are strong enough to prevent
 the separation of the water/alcohol mixture by distillation.

 Distillation of a solution of ethanol and water will not yield ethanol
 more concentrated than 95%.  A mixture of 95% ethanol and 5%
 water boils at a lower temperature (78.15°C) than either pure
 ethanol (boiling point or bp = 78.3°C) or pure water (bp = 100°C). 
 Such a mixture is called an "azeotrope."  Pure ethanol is often
 obtained by adding benzene to the mixture of 95% ethanol and
 water and then distilling this solution.  Benzene forms a different
 azeotrope with ethanol.  This azeotrope boils at 64.9°C, leaving
 behind the water (along with traces of ethanol).  Eventually, pure
 ethanol (also called absolute or neat alcohol) is produced by
 continued distillation after the benzene azeotrope is vaporized.

 The earlier difficulty of producing water-free (anhydrous or
 absolute) alcohol explains why older engine tests were usually run
 with alcohol containing some water.  In more recent years, it has
 become practical to produce alcohol with less than 0.1% water at
 an acceptable cost, ending the use of the 95% product in fuel

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