Regarding this: "Re: Could we stop all this POLITICAL Crap??"

I've previously posted a moderator's directive against calling for 
restrictions in the discussions. It's here:

Some people have not taken any notice, though some of them have been 
warned both on- and off-list. So I'll say it again - it's all been 
said here before, not just by me, and recently.

Discussion on this list is free and OPEN. Biofuels is a broad-ranging 
subect. It's an international list with members from many different 
cultures and more than a hundred countries, and their views of what 
is on- or off-topic vary widely. "Politics" is NOT off-topic - some 
recent views on this from list members:

> > What on earth does this have to do with biofuels?
>A lot more than one might think off the cuff, especially when it comes to
>who makes the decisions that let you run biofuel on a roadway or not.


>The problem you run into ... is that Biodiesel and Ethanol represent MUCH
>MUCH more than transesterified WVO and C2H5OH.
>It represents FREEDOM.  And THAT my friend, is a political statement.  Like
>it or not.
>Whether or not a country's a "democracy" .. or a "republic" .. or a
>"socialistic country" .. may not be of interest to you now.  Purhaps so.
>But let me tell you .. it will ... sooner or later.   When you try to brew
>Ethanol .. and the ATF starts to give you a "weird ... unseen hassle" ....
>"seemingly trying to shut you down".    Or when you try to make biodiesel
>... and you go "what da hell??" .. when you find out that "it's illegal" to
>"transport non-edible vegetable oil".   When it "seems"  ... "as though" ...
>" the oil companies don't want YOU .. yes YOU (personally) ... as one of
>their competitions.   And you start feeling like a "Netscape" who's up
>against a "Microsoft".
>When you get past the casual experimentation .. and get into the actual
>"production".... and START DECLARING YOUR FREEDOM... don't worry ... the
>politics of the whole biofuel deal WILL become apparent to you.


>The problems are compounded by many years of fundamentally flawed 
>energy policy, and that's the reason why this discussion BELONGS on 
>a biofuels list.


>Political discussion is VITAL to the future of biofuels.


>For a copy of our anti-war/biodiesel alternatives factsheet, please see:

Etc etc etc - this is the majority view here. Those calling for 
restrictions are a tiny minority - small but loud; if we did it their 
way the majority would be deprived. Keeping the discussions open 
deprives nobody and prevents nothing - directly on-topic biofuels 
discussions continue unhindered all the while. If people have 
problems with clogged email inboxes, they should learn how to use 
filters - essential to using any email lists, not just this one. For 
more info see:

Some posts are definitely off-topic by any measure, but those posting 
them know it and seldom stray too far. List members are mature people 
and do not need nannying by topic-cops. Anyway, such digressions 
quite often lead to discussion that's very much on-topic and would 
not otherwise have arisen.




Finally, re the two links at the bottom of every message you receive, these:

>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Biofuels list archives:

The first is a premier source of small-scale  biofuels information on 
the Web. The second is a treasure house of  information on all 
aspects of biofuels, especially biodiesel - it  contains 23,000 
messages over the last three years, many of them from leaders in the 
field worldwide. It is an independent archives, not Yahoo's, provided 
and  maintained by list member Martin Klingensmith, with powerful, 
fast  and efficient searching, and no ads.

If you have biofuels questions, go ahead and ask, if there's 
something you want to discuss, nothing's stopping you, if you have 
information to offer please do so.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
List owner

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