1.  The cost of gasoline at some local stations in San Diego seems to be pushing
upward steadily.  I'd say in the low $1.80s per gallon around where I live for
87 octane, and it can get over $2.00 per gallon for 91 octane.

2.  I've been making a point of buying down the street at the local 76 station.
I believe now that 76 is part of "Conoco-Phillips" or some such.  They have been
very clear in their "NO MTBE" signs around here for what seems like about a
year.  Their signs on their pumps used a wording that said the gasoline *might*
contain ethanol, but it was never entirely clear.  I chose to hope that they
were including ethanol, because I think the other way to get around the
Oxygenate rule (reformulated gas) might not be that common and I don't know if
it's legal.  I have written them to attempt to get a confirmation that they
*are* using a 10% or so (or whatever the standard is, to satisfy the oxygenate
requirements) mixture, but have received no response.  A late-night worker there
did respond with confidence that they were, but I can't take that as the final

Others may say, "Well, so what, we see ethanol elsewhere all the time."  I think
it's important.  There was a *hellacious* battle to get the oil companies to
switch away from MTBE in California, and to get them to consider using ethanol.
That battle seems to have gone silent for the last year.  Many seem to be still
using MTBE, according to some pumps I've seen.  

If 76 is doing something good (by the standards of ethanol proponents) then we
must give them credit and make it clear that we appreciate the lack of runaround
on the issue.  Too often we wait for bad news or resistance to bring attention
to a business.

The station I go to charges always within a penny or two of the Shell Station
nearby.  So, if 76 is using ethanol and incurring the doomsday extra costs that
the Refiners claimed would be incurred if they were forced to use ethanol, then
it's not showing at the pump, one bit.  I haven't heard a peep of complaint from
76 about this, and have seen the very large NO MTBE signs at many (all?) of
their stations.  Prior to being able to buy this gasoline down the street, which
I am assuming has ethanol in it, I had *never* been able to find a single pump
in my area that had any ethanol mixed in.  So, while others may take such
availability for-granted, I think this 76 program is awesome, pending
verification that in fact they're using ethanol.  I'm still wary on that point.

If and when further political decisions and events come to a head, I expect the
Oil companies to drag out further anti-ethanol arguments, and it would be nice,
at that time, to be able to report that at least one of them has not only been
implementing a 10% or so mixture of ethanol in some areas, but is doing so with
no customer dissatisfaction as to quality or price, and is still able to do
excellent profitable gasoline-selling business, so that many of the arguments
are just nonsense.  If 76 is really doing this, then I salute them.

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