Sen. Kerry blasts Bush's environmental policies
Sunday February 9, 1:59 am ET 

WASHINGTON, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. John Kerry of
Massachusetts blasted President George W. Bush's environmental policies on
Sunday and said U.S. forces were being asked to risk their lives to make sure
Mideast oil flowed.
In a speech scheduled for delivery at the John F. Kennedy presidential library
in Boston, Kerry said the United States must reduce its dependence on foreign
oil so it cannot be held hostage by leaders like President Saddam Hussein of

"Every day our servicemen and women put their lives on the line so that oil can
flow from around the world to America's gas stations," he said. "But let there
be no doubt, we pay a heavy price."

Kerry, one of six declared Democratic candidates who plan to seek their party's
nomination to challenge Bush in the 2004 presidential election, said the United
States cannot drill its way to self-sufficiency along the lines favored by Bush
in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Instead, he urged development of technology to make homes, businesses and
transportation more efficient while creating a national market for biofuels from
crops, wood and waste.

"We must forge a new path to create a stronger America," Kerry said, "an America
where the use of military might is not clouded by our need for oil."

His criticism of Bush's environmental policies was similar to that of several
other Democratic presidential hopefuls.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri and
former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont each have bashed Bush in recent days for what
they called inadequate steps toward renewable energy sources and conservation. 

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