Hi Thor

>Interesting article and study, but also very
>unsettling.  I had a hard time accepting this study
>that is premised on cannibalism, even though a bit of
>looking on the web revealed that Cornish chicks tend
>to be cannabilistic.  I wonder why they didn't use
>rats or weasels, or something similar that eats eggs.

I guess chickens are what she had. I'm not disturbed by it, though 
I'm against the cannibalistic practices so often found in agriculture 
now, especially the more insane forms of it, such as feeding dead 
sheep to cows - I was against that long before the dire consequences 
became apparent. That and other such practices are highly unnatural 
(and completely unnecessary), whereas this isn't unnatural, really. 
It happens, though it's usually seen as a problem, such as this 
message to a Homesteading list today:

>We also started in with chickens last October. We have
>11 hens and one rooster. The varieties are mixed, Bantams, Rhode
>Island Reds and a breed that we don't know what they are. These ones
>are rather large and are predominantly black in colour. The chickens
>are what I have the questions about. Some of the hens, the large
>black ones are eating freshly laid eggs. Can anyone shed some light
>as to why they do and to how to possibly stop that particular
>practice? We have been feeding back egg shells to the chicken, but
>not before the egg shells have been thoroughly dried and sufficiently

Anyway, chickens are carnivores, or rather omnivores, and there's 
nothing about their eating eggs that might distort the results of the 
study. In a way it's rather apt - most of the contents of an egg is 
intended as food for the embryo, and should thus be excellent food 
for chicks, while adding in the embryo itself is just, well, gravy I 

What's much more unsettling IMO is the implication that 
industrialized "food" is less nourishing than no food at all. There 
are plenty more such indications, all adding up to a damning picture, 
very unsettling indeed. Nothing new though, just ever worse and 
worse. See this, for instance:

The Medical Testament
Medical Testament

Plenty more there, eg:

The Wheel of Health by G.T. Wrench

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price

This Famishing World by Alfred W. McCann

Etc etc.

Quite old books yes (and never been superceded), but don't think 
"progress" has solved these problems, quite the opposite, sorry to 



>Keith wrote:
>"Anyway, as a final comment perhaps, here's a study
>that found that the production from such
>industrialized "farming" operations, in this case
>eggs, were less nutritious than no eggs at all.
>Free-Range Eggs vs. Grocery Store Eggs in Chicks"

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