-----Original Message-----
From: Bronik
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 11:31 AM
To: kirk
Subject: Swastika is from Finland?Re: FW: [biofuel] Re: Re:
Democracy--Nazi Germany was Democratic!???

    The German Swastika was a Finnish symbol that was adopted by the
    I have attached the image of a Finnish airplane that shows the
"hakaristi" or "locked cross".
    "Risti" is the Finnish word for "cross".

You can see the Blue Lapp ornament under the wing of the Finnish fighter

 Some people, like in this attachment below, seemed to think that the
German planes were involved in the war on the side of the Russians.
 They likely mistook the Finnish planes with the "hakaristi" for German

 Actually the German-Soviet non aggression pact divided up Poland, and
the Germans said the Soviets could have Finland if they could take it.

    The Finns fought the Winter War alone against a 1.5 million Soviet
    Khruschev said the Finns killed 1 million of the Soviet Army during
this war.
    20,000 Finns were killed.
    Finns in the U.S. returned to Finland to fight.
    There were some Swedish volunteers also.
    The U.S, Britain, and the French offered to send troops to help
Finland but it would have only been a token force and Finland did not
want the fighting to escalate into a Scandinavian war.

    Hitler saw what happened and he then decided to invade Russia
because he thought it would be easy.

    During the Winter War the Soviets invasion was led by Political
Commissars rather than generals.  There were no longer generals in the
Soviet army.  The generals had all been liquidated or sent to Siberia in
the 1930's.

    After the Winter War the Soviets reorganized their military and
brought back the remaining generals from Siberia, including General
Vasiliev, who was a family friend that I remember from when we were
living in Ireland.  I was 4-5 years old and I took a hacksaw blade from
his workshop.  I still feel guilty about that.  General Vasillieve was
kidnapped by the Soviets when he visited West Berlin in the 1960's.  We
received one letter from him and he was never heard from again.

    Finland was directly responsible for Hitler's defeat as per this
Soviet general's statement:

    Soviet Marshall S. S. Biriuzov:
        "We had to retrain ourselves under enemy fire, paying a high
price for the experience and knowledge without which we could not beat
Hitler's army."


kirk wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hakan Falk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:01 PM
> To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Re: Democracy--Nazi Germany was
> Democratic!???
> Thor,
> I wanted to take the winter war separately, see
> below.
> At 04:52 PM 2/4/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> ><snip>
> >Also, I can't imagine where you got the notion that
> >Germany fought in the Winter War against Finland.  The
> >Soviet Union and Germany had a non-aggression pact
> >during that time, in which the Soviets recognized
> >German's right to all of Poland except the four
> >Eastern provinces, and Germany Russia's right to the
> >Baltic States and parts of Finland (if Stalin could
> >take them).  But that is a far cry from Germany
> >participating in the war against Finland.  If you have
> >some evidence to the contrary, I'd love to see it.
> Both of my parents was in the Swedish voluntary forces
> in Finland and I guess that I have a tendency to belive
> what they told me.
> If you come by my place some time, I can show
> you a video made from my fathers 8 mm films during
> his service as physician in the Winter War. One sequence
> show a shot down Nazi fighter plane, I guess that this
> could serve well as proof. My mother was serving as
> nurse in Rovanemi during the Winter War. Hitler provided
> air support for Stalin during the winter war, as he did
> for Franco in the Spanish civil war.
> The Nazis participated on the Finnish side in the
> continuation war and the they fought against Stalin.
> Maybe you want some proof of that too. My father
> was there too, but my mother stayed home in Sweden
> because I was born in May 1941.
> ><snip>
> >
> >Best,
> >
> >Thor
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Biofuels list archives:
> http://archive.nnytech.net/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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