----- Original Message -----

From: Kris Book <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Fwd: Fw: "Impeach Bush!" Echoes Through Bush Fundraiser

> >
> >
> > ----- Forwarded Message -----
> > Date: SUN, 29 JUN 2003 21:52:01 -0400
> > Subject: "Impeach Bush!" Echoes Through Bush Fundraiser
> > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > "Impeach Bush!" Echoes Through Bush Fundraiser; A Message
> > from Ramsey
> > Clark on Letters to the Editor;
> > Each One, Reach One Campaign Takes Off
> > Dear VoteToImpeach Member,
> > In the last week, the movement to impeach George W. Bush
> > has entered a
> > new and exciting phase. The call for Bush's impeachment,
> > which we have
> > begun as a mass grassroots campaign, is increasingly the
> > focus of
> > commentary in the electronic and print media, on the
> > Internet, and in
> > swelling street demonstrations that have confronted
> > George W. Bush as he
> > engages in a whirlwind fundraising tour.
> >
> > While George W. Bush was handed millions of dollars from
> > his wealthy
> > constituency at fundraising events this past week, the
> > impeachment
> > movement made its voice heard in the streets outside. On
> > Friday, June 27,
> > thousands of demonstrators, including anti-war activists
> > and members of
> > the campaign, confronted Bush on two
> > separate
> > occasions, in Los Angeles and San Francisco. The
> > effectiveness of the
> > demonstrators resonated far beyond Bush's ballrooms and
> > was reported by
> > media around the world.
> >
> > "[D]emonstrators shouting for US President George W.
> > Bush's impeachment
> > gathered outside a hotel here where the president was
> > helping raise $3.6
> > million for his re-election campaign. The protesters
> > accused Bush of
> > lying about the presence of weapons of mass destruction
> > (WMD) in Iraq, a
> > central justification for the US-British invasion of Iraq
> > in March,"
> > reads the Daily Telegraph and Melbourne Herald in
> > Australia and many
> > other news reports around the world.
> > The demonstrators' calls for impeachment were so loud and
> > spirited that
> > they could be heard throughout the hotel in Los Angeles
> > while Bush
> > conducted his $2,000 per plate fund-raiser. At the same
> > time that Bush
> > told a crowd of south California's elite that "I'm
> > loosening up," the
> > lobby of the Century Plaza Hotel ballroom was echoing
> > with the chants of
> > "Stop Bush!" "Bush Lied!" and "Where are the Weapons of
> > Mass
> > Destruction?" and "Impeach!"
> > Please help support the VoteToImpeach Campaign. You can
> > make a
> > contribution online through our secure server by clicking
> > above or by
> > writing a check to VoteToImpeach c/o 1901 Pennsylvania
> > Ave. NW, Suite 607
> > Washington, DC 20006. (Donations are not tax deductible.)
> >
> > June 27, 2003 Bush fundraiser in San Francisco
> > (photo, Eric Wagner, SF Indymedia)Bush was also
> > confronted by thousands
> > of demonstrators in San Francisco where he held a
> > fund-raising luncheon
> > on Friday. The Associated Press reports, "Many protestors
> > called for
> > Bush's impeachment for what they called his misleading
> > the nation into a
> > war with Iraq."
> >
> > On June 23, thousands of demonstrators gathered outside
> > the Sheraton
> > Hotel in midtown Manhattan for another bush fund-raiser.
> > Associated Press
> > reported that many demonstrators were collecting
> > signatures on the
> > petitions calling for Bush's
> > impeachment. You can
> > download petitions calling for impeachment by clicking
> > here.
> >
> > A Message From Ramsey Clark: Write a Letter to the Editor
> > To the VoteToImpeach Membership:
> >
> > One of the few ways the issue of impeachment and faith in
> > the
> > Constitution can find their way into the corporate
> > controlled media is
> > through Letters to the Editor. Help the truth set the
> > American people
> > free and take back the Constitution. Write newspapers and
> > periodicals,
> > large and small, proclaiming the duty of those who care
> > about truth and
> > the Constitution to demand the impeachment of President
> > Bush and his
> > chosen few.
> >
> > Bush and Co. have lied about weapons of mass destruction
> > and the grave
> > threat Iraq posed to the United States, have violated the
> > Constitution,
> > the Nuremberg Charter and Geneva Conventions by waging
> > wars of aggression
> > against Afghanistan, Iraq and threatening other nations,
> > summarily
> > executing and killing tens of thousands of people while
> > leading a growing
> > number, now over 200, young American men and women in the
> > U.S. Armed
> > Forces to death in their criminal war and occupation of
> > Iraq. They have
> > attacked the civil rights and civil liberties of the
> > people of the United
> > States in their efforts to tear apart the Bill of Rights
> > and reverse
> > decades of hard-won social justice accomplishments.
> >
> > Let's let our friends, neighbors and communities know
> > about the efforts
> > to impeach George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald
> > Rumsfeld and John
> > Ashcroft, and how they can join this campaign.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Ramsey Clark
> > Send copies of your Letters to the Editor to your
> > Congressperson, and
> > send us a copy of your published letters either by e-mail
> > at
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by mail to VoteToImpeach c/o
> > 1901
> > Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 607, Washington, DC 20006 -
> > and be sure to
> > let us know where your letter has been published! As
> > space is available,
> > we will republish letters on the VoteToImpeach site.
> >
> > Each One, Reach One Campaign Takes Off
> > In response to the launch of the new Each One, Reach One
> > Campaign,
> > 175,000 people visited the site.
> > Many were
> > forwarding an invitation to join the campaign to a friend
> > with the easy
> > to use form located on the site at
> >, and tens of
> > thousands of
> > visitors were new visitors who voted for impeachment.
> >
> > World of mouth, either in person or by an on-line
> > invitation to our
> > friends, family members and co-workers, is a highly
> > effective way to
> > build this movement. Let's keep going! Be part of the
> > Each One Reach One
> > Campaign - tell your friends about the impeachment
> > movement and encourage
> > them to visit .
> >
> > All of Us at
> >
> > - - -
> > This e-mail has been sent to persons who have previously
> > communicated
> > with, or voted at, If you have been
> > forwarded this
> > e-mail by a friend and wish to receive future e-mails
> > from
> >, simply Click here to Subscribe. If you
> > have received
> > this in error, or wish to not receive future
> > e-communication from us,
> > please Click here to Unsubscribe.
> >
> > ATTACHMENT part 2 image/gif name=vti_button.gif
> > ATTACHMENT part 3 image/gif name=vti_donate.gif
> > ATTACHMENT part 4 image/jpeg
> name=vtiprotest_fundraiser_j27_sf_ericwagner.jpg
> > ATTACHMENT part 5 image/gif name=eachone_yellow.gif
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