Hi All,

I would love to believe but truth be told I no longer have faith and trust
in my own government. I have been lied to too often. Should these folks
continue to push for implimentation of sound programs then and only then
will they receive my full support.


-----Original Message-----
From: MH
Sent: 2/04/05 2:20
Subject: [Biofuel] Living on Earth -was: US Emergency

 Living on Earth 
 April 1, 2005
 Tough on Mercury (Dan Gorenstein) / Alien Planets /
 Oil & National Security (Jeff Young) /
 Oil & National Security Roundtable /
 Emerging Science Note/Parroting Elephants /
 Simple Living / Ask Umbra 

 Oil & National Security / Jeff Young 
 The White House recently received a letter
 asking for increased spending on alternative
 fuels in order to cut down on foreign oil
 dependence. The letter wasn't from
 environmentalists, but from former national
 security officials who see energy policy as a
 security issue. Living on Earth's Jeff Young
 reports. (4:15) 

 Oil & National Security Roundtable 
 Two signatories of the letter to President Bush
 talk about the Middle East threat to U.S.
 energy, and about the here and now of
 alternative energy like plug-in hybrids and
 bio-diesel. Host Steve Curwood speaks with
 former CIA director James Woolsey and former
 national security advisor Robert McFarlane.

 Simple Living 
 Eric Brende was midway through his PhD at MIT
 when he decided to live on an Amish farm. Host
 Steve Curwood talks with Brende about the
 challenges of going off the grid and living off
 the land, and about his new book, "Better Off:
 Flipping the Switch on Technology." (9:00) 

 Oil & National Security

 CURWOOD: It's Living on Earth. I'm Steve Curwood. 

 A letter recently arrived at the White House urging President Bush to
 cut the country's consumption of oil. The writers say the U.S. must
 increase its investments in conservation, alternative fuels and
 fuel-efficient cars. Sounds like another plea from an environmental
 group -- until you get to the list of signatories. 

 They are some three dozen leaders in the field of national security,
 including a former director of the CIA, a former national security
 advisor and top brass from the defense departments of previous
 Republican and Democratic administrations. Living on Earth's Jeff
 Young explains why heavy hitters in the defense world are joining the
 green chorus for conservation. 

 YOUNG: Ronald Reagan's face beams down from a large poster at the
 entrance to Frank Gaffney's Washington office. Back when Gaffney
 was an undersecretary of defense, Reagan was his boss and he still
 champions the late president's ideals at the conservative think tank,
 Center for Security Policy. Now, Gaffney finds himself in agreement
 with people Reagan had little use for: environmentalists. 

 GAFFNEY: Well, I've had my disagreements with people in the
 environmental movement for a long time. I think, like many, I had not
 fully appreciated how urgent was the need to adopt these sorts of
 existing technologies in light of national security realities of the

 YOUNG: The "existing technologies" Gaffney mentions are alternative
 fuels and more fuel-efficient cars. He and 30 others in the national
 security field asked President Bush to invest a billion dollars in
 efforts to wean the country from imported oil. They see a very real
 chance of a terror attack disrupting oil supplies, perhaps by as much
 a third of U.S. daily use. 

 GAFFNEY: If we were to take six million barrels off of the oil market
 at one fell swoop, you would have very serious economic
 repercussions. And the nature of our economy, as well as our ability to
 use oil to project power around the world - which we have to
 do - would be impaired. I think there's no getting around it. 

 YOUNG: Foreign oil has been a concern for defense hawks at least
 since the OPEC embargo and gas lines of the 70s. President Bush
 made the connection at an event on the White House lawn three years

 BUSH: And, this dependence on foreign oil is a matter of national
 security. To put it bluntly, sometimes we rely upon energy sources from
 countries that don't particularly like us. 

 YOUNG: What's new, Gaffney says, is the sense of urgency. 

 GAFFNEY: I believe there is a national security emergency, certainly in
 prospect if not already here. It's now something we have to do
 something about right away in order to translate that rhetoric into

 YOUNG: Environmental groups say it's about time. David Hamilton
 directs the Sierra Club's energy program. He says he's happy to have
 national security types make the same argument he's made for years. 

 HAMILTON: I think that a lot of people were hesitant to criticize
 administration policy before the election, you know, especially
 Republicans who did not want to appear disloyal or trying to undermine
 the president. I think you have more of a willingness and a comfort
 calling the administration's policies on energy into question. 

 YOUNG: The national security experts do not explicitly criticize the
 president. Their letter says supply alone cannot eliminate the need for
 imports and that equal attention must be paid to reducing oil demand.
 That would seem at odds with the administration's focus on increasing
 domestic supply. But the Department of Energy's new deputy secretary,
 Clay Sell, doesn't see it that way. 

 SELL: I think the administration has somewhat unfairly been painted as
 one that wanted to only address this issue through production and
 nothing could be further from the truth. What they have recommended is
 a significant endorsement of the president's policies. In fact, I don't
 there's anything in here that we necessarily depart on. 

 YOUNG: Sell says the answer lies in the president's comprehensive
 energy bill, a controversial item Congress has turned down for four
 years but will take up again this year. For Living on Earth, I'm Jeff
 Young in Washington.

 Oil & National Security Roundtable

 CURWOOD: Joining me now are two signatories of the letter to
 President Bush. They're from both sides of the political aisle who have
 come together on this issue of oil security. James Woolsey is former
 director of the CIA under the Clinton administration and vice president
 now of Booz, Allen and Hamilton; and Robert MacFarlane was national
 security advisor to President Reagan and is now CEO of energy and
 communications solutions. Gentlemen, hello. 

 WOOLSEY: Hello Steve, good to be with you. 

 MACFARLANE: Good morning. 

 CURWOOD: Now, Jim Woolsey, as former director of the CIA, how
 real is this possibility that terrorists could send the entire world's
 economy into a tale spin by disrupting oil supplies? 

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