> On 9 Jul 2016, at 06:34, Zhao Xin wrote:
> The compiler is not smart enough to treat this as you think, nor it will be
> designed to. According to the documents, it is the developer‘s burden to add
> @noescape or weak or unowned. So I disagree it is a bug.
> Zhaoxin
> On Sat, Jul 9,
You code works fine in Xcode 7.3.1 (7D1014). So it must be a bug in Xcode 8.
On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 10:18 PM, Ray Fix via swift-users <
swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> When I make a variable weak in Xcode 8 (both beta 1 and beta 2) I get a
> access violation. I think this is a
Yes, as far as I know 'foo' and 'foo.self' are equivalent. I don't actually
know why the latter exists, except in analogy to "T.self".
There was a mistake in my response; the metatype of 'foo' is not
'foo.self', it is 'foo.dynamicType' (or whatever new form dynamicType is
going to take in Swift 3)
> On Jul 8, 2016, at 09:45 , Austin Zheng wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> If you have a type (let's call it "T"), you can use it two ways:
> * As a type, or part of a type, like such: "let x : T = blah()"
> * As a value, just like any other variable, function argument, property, etc.
> In the sec
The actual death is happening when setting the parent:
do {
let frank = Person(name: "Frank")
let lisa = Person(name: "Lisa")
frank.parent = lisa // Dies here with EXC_BAD_ACCESS
You can click the eye to get a stack trace. (not included here because of
When I make a variable weak in Xcode 8 (both beta 1 and beta 2) I get a access
violation. I think this is a bug, but want to make sure I am not missing
Best regards,
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
class Person: CustomStringConvertible {