Even if you take care not to create class instances, the compiler emits many
calls to runtime functions to implement features such as generics, casts and
existentials. It is possible to write code where a large number of runtime
calls are optimized away, but I don’t think they can be eliminated
Anyone know where to get the updated guide on Binary Data in swift 3?
The only thing I know from WWDC video is that "NSData" is reference type and the
"Data" is value type and they have different methods of init rules and to getbytes or
Any idea on the motivation to have new Data cl
> On Aug 10, 2016, at 1:10 PM, developer--- via swift-users
> wrote:
> I really feel ripped off. I chose to learn to develop for iOS for particular
> reasons, and now at the end of school, I’m about to graduate without having
> been taught an obviously vital skill that a developer should abs
Thanks Brian!
You pointed me in the right direction. I've got a working version up here:
Non-pretty version:
// Start repl with:
// $ xcrun swift -F
Hello everybody,
I've been trying to generate a custom toolchain from the version 2.2.1 to
use with Xcode 7. I download every repository needed to build, and set them
to the 2.2 branch (i.e. swift-2.2-branch).
Then, I used the command explained at the end of this thread:
My bad. After double-checking my code, I realized that some branches were
dispatching their work, which of course breaks that model. Sorry, and thanks
for clarification that this is how it should works.
> On 11 Aug 2016, at 17:39, Joe Groff wrote:
>> On Aug 11, 2016, at 7:16 AM, Sebasti
> On Aug 11, 2016, at 7:16 AM, Sebastian Hagedorn via swift-users
> wrote:
> We often write code that returns early, but has to make sure a bit of code
> (e.g., a completion handler) is always called whenever we return, which seems
> like a great use case for defer. I started to write this:
We often write code that returns early, but has to make sure a bit of code
(e.g., a completion handler) is always called whenever we return, which seems
like a great use case for defer. I started to write this:
func execute(with completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?) {
var success = false
Thank you Keith. You helped me a lot. I finally got it work.
As realm use "xcrun swift" to get swift version. I did that by 'export
I also think the document in https://swift.org/download/#using-downloads should
$ export
> PATH=/Library/Develo