Found this:
On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 8:37 AM, Jens Persson wrote:
> It crashes runtime except when the given string is not an existing font
> family name, in which case it returns
It crashes runtime except when the given string is not an existing font
family name, in which case it returns nil (as expected).
So I'm unable to use it.
Here's a REPL session demo of the issue, but it's the same in Xcode 8 and
8.1 beta 1 (haven't tried any other versions):
Welcome to Apple Swif
> On Oct 7, 2016, at 7:02 AM, Ingo Maier via swift-users
> wrote:
> Is there a way in Swift 3 to pass a null pointer to a C function that
> takes an implicitly unwrapped unsafe pointer? I understand that
> pointer parameters in C that don't specify nullability are mapped to
> implicitly unwra
Please look at that code:
class Mut {
var zetstruct = MutStr(z: 5) {
didSet {
print("struct was change")
zetstruct.addZet(num: 10)
struct MutStr {
var z: Int
mutating func addZet(num: Int) {
z += num
Is there a way in Swift 3 to pass a null pointer to a C function that
takes an implicitly unwrapped unsafe pointer? I understand that
pointer parameters in C that don't specify nullability are mapped to
implicitly unwrapped pointers in Swift 3. Since it's not uncommon for
existing unannotated C API
On 6 Oct 2016, at 20:20, Nick Brook via swift-users
> I have an extension on DispatchQueue and I have Objective-C code which uses
> my swift code, so the DispatchQueue extension is exported to the Swift
> objective-c header as
> @interface OS_dispatch_queue
> However, Xcode 8.0 a