> On Jul 28, 2017, at 12:06 AM, David Hart via swift-users
> wrote:
> Hello,
> Indeed, I had reduced the code too much. John McCall was kind enough to have
> a look and here’s the offending code:
> func layoutHorizontally(leftRect: inout CGRect, rightRect: inout CGRect) {
> let tot
Is is possible that the compiler optimized away the call to trigger because it
reasoned that you were not really changing any state at all? Because the
trigger function is making an assignment of input to output, and the call
instance is asking to make a copy of itself, the compiler could reaso
Indeed, I had reduced the code too much. John McCall was kind enough to have a
look and here’s the offending code:
func layoutHorizontally(leftRect: inout CGRect, rightRect: inout CGRect) {
let totalWidth = imageRect.size.width + titleRect.size.width +