Okay, so I've made some progress but appear to be stalled a bit.

When instructed to install a module, the command line installmgr doesn't seem to call InstallMgr::refreshRemoteSource() at all, and somehow the call to do the install succeeds.  Yet my example below fails if I don't call to refresh the source.

However, if I DO call refreshRemoteSource(), I will end up downloading EVERY module, despite only specifying one:

int myInstallModule(const char* modname) {
    sword::InstallSource is("FTP");
    is.source = "ftp.crosswire.org";
    is.directory = "/pub/sword/raw";

    sword::SWBuf installpath = getenv("HOME");
    installpath += "/.sword/";
    sword::InstallMgr* im = new sword::InstallMgr(installpath);

    // XXX -- the call below appears to be required
    int refresh = im->refreshRemoteSource(&is);
    if (refresh) {
        printf("Refresh call failed, error: %d\n", refresh);

    // XXX -- this installs EVERY module, not just what is passed as an argument
    return im->installModule(&swrd, 0, modname, &is);

Someone have an idea what I might be missing?

- Paul M

On 12/8/22 16:18, Greg Hellings wrote:
I believe you will need to refresh that source before you call the install method. It's trying to look up the config file for that module and isn't finding it. Those get downloaded and cached by the Installmgr class when it refreshes a source.


On Thu, Dec 8, 2022, 14:51 P Mosier <palad...@sdf.org> wrote:


    I am trying to figure out what the appropriate steps to take are for
    programmatically installing a module through FTP.  Looking through
    backend codebase, it seems like there are some configuration settings
    that have to be initialized in SWMgr order for
    to work.  However, tracking this down has eluded me as InstallMgr
    seems to be set up and called the same way twice.

    I have this as a simple example:

         sword::SWMgr swrd;
         sword::InstallSource is("FTP");
         is.source = "ftp.crosswire.org <http://ftp.crosswire.org>";
         is.directory = "/pub/sword";

         sword::InstallMgr im;
         im.installModule(&swrd, 0, "KJVA", &is);

    The call to installModule segfaults at this line:

         module = mgr.config->getSections().find(modName);

    I recognize it might be related to my own environment.  This is the
    entire content of my /etc/sword:

    Does someone have an idea for what I'm missing, or an example to
    me to so I can get a better handle on this area of code?

    - Paul M

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