On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If you look at how the bible.fhl.net web site use ruby, you will find
> out the ruby effect in Gecko could be similate by using some css display
> property.

Yes, I had already seen how you did it for bible.fhl.net.  I'm not really 
interesting in workarounds for browsers that don't meet standards 
specifications--that kind of nullifies the point of standards.

The workaround you suggest looks fine in Mozilla and MSIE, but not Opera.

And supporting workarounds is significantly different from actually 
supporting a standard.  Maybe the browser makers don't think Ruby is very 
important since the standard is almost 2 years old, yet neither Mozilla 
nor Opera show any plans of supporting it.

> CSS3-Ruby is currently only a "working draft" (under last call)
> And I wonder does the web really need that kind of detail of display tuning. 

Without CSS3-Ruby, you can't control the location of the ruby text at all.  
In IE6, that means multiple rubies are all shown above the base text.  
With CSS3-Ruby, you could display some above and some below to reduce 
clutter. (That's just one example that is useful for an interlinear 
Bible--as can be seen in my screenshot.)


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