Hi folks,

as of late, i've been playing around with various digital bibles, and in
doing so, I encountered some issues with ~osis2mod~:

when an osis-encoded bible-book has more chapters than it should have
according to the versification, osis2mod seems to loop infinitely or at
least for quite a long time

I think it would be neat if osis2mod could instead output some sort of
warning instead, just like it does when there are additional books - it
could of course also merge any additional chapters into the last verse
of the previous chapter, but that seems somewhat excessive to me.

Another issue I've encountered: when I convert a text of the following
shape into a sword module using osis2mod and open it in andbible, the
verse numbers are placed incorrectly and the verse "body/text" of the
last verse is not recognized as being part of said verse

#+begin_src xml
<div type="chapter">
    <verse osisID="Fictional.1.999">
        This is the last verse in a chapter

I think that either osis2mod or andbible cannot deal with nodes being
placed outside the last verse but within the chapter, but I'm not sure
whether that's the cause, and I'm not sufficiently familiar with the
internals of osis2mod or andbible to figure out what the cause is

Does anyone else know what's going on?

Another (minor) issue is that osis2mod doesn't seem to be able to deal
with OSIS documents that use an XML namespace prefixes, so a document
that starts as seen below will not be recognized/parsed properly by

#+begin_src xml
<osis:osisText xml:lang="nl" osisRefWork="defaultReferenceScheme>

And finally: 
A while ago, someone posted on the mailing list that they encountered
weird behaviour/bugs/issues when milestoned verses intersected itemized
lists, I have noticed similar issues, and will try to take a look at how
osis2mod deals with milestoned verses

I can't seem to find the specific message in the archives anymore,
otherwise I would have linked to it

May God bless you,
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