Title: Bericht
I am currently creating a PHP script for a website, using OSIS texts. Now I use mod2osis to convert Sword modules to OSIS-text, so I can use them with my PHP-script. But, I found some bugs in mod2osis (I downloaden the latest (compiled) version from ftp.crosswire.org)
The bugs (or missing features) are:
- Reference closing tags </reference> are sometimes not closed ( </reference )
- Font size is ignored
- Font color is ignored (mostly fontcolor is used for words of Christ)
- Linebreaks and paragraphs are ignored
- Tables are ignored
Are those bugs/missing features known, and are to going to be fixed?
Ow, and another question: When is the osis2mod util finished? I noticed that CCEL made Calvins Commentaries available in OSIS format (see http://www.ccel.org/osis/xml/), and I am currently working on a tool to reorganise that CCEL-OSIS to a much more easier-to-import OSIS (the OSIS-XML CCEL made from it differs from the neat OSIS-XML mod2osis makes). So if there is already a tool to convert OSIS to Sword modules, please let me know, so I can try to import the OSIS-XML I made, and see what I need to change to the XML for correct importing Calvins Commentaries
With kind regards,

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